Wide Selection of Do-It-Yourself Pest Products | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
NEA Registered
Copyright © 2024 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1335C Description: EMIT GERMAN COCKROACH GEL BAIT is formulated for Singapore climate and tested with locally caught cockroaches to ensure efficacy.
Many commercially available cockroach gel baits from large brands do not perform effectively in our local climate. The primary reason is that most of these products are not formulated to withstand the high humidity levels in our region, which range from 72% to 82%. For example, a packet of potato chips or biscuits left exposed to the open air in Singapore will become soft within two hours, while the same products can remain fresh for up to two days in countries like Japan, Europe, or the U.S. This highlights why Emit German Cockroach Gel Bait is preferred by many professionals in Singapore. HIGHLIGHTS:
TARGETS: Household Cockroaches CONTENT: 20g
FOR USE: Residential, Commercial, Institutional, Vehicles and Warehousing Establishments.
Copyright © 2024 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: CSAP Description: SITUATION: Most of the time, Pest control technicians have limited space in their van to carry multiple Pressure sprayers with different pest control chemicals. It resulted in only 1 type of pesticide used repeatedly. This could lead to pests developing resistance by exposing to the same chemical for an extended period of time. With this in mind, we created "COMPANY SPECIFIC AEROSOL PRODUCTS" C-SAP SOLUTION: Convenient, ready-to-use formulation. A perfect rotational partner in a nonrepellent program. Advantages:
Let us know your preferred formulation. We can customised for you according to the pests, chemicals or situations.
Copyright © 2024 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-2619 Description: EMIT CAR PEST FOGGER is a Single Use, Total Release pyrethroid based, Ultra Low Volume (ULV) fogger that delivers rapid relief, knock out punch to a wide variety of insect pests WHILE SAFE ON HUMANS. We formulated this product to be nearly odourless (Undetectable) after 30 mins of airing out after fogging. HIGHLIGHTS:
TARGETS:Bed Bugs, Bird mites, Midges, Ants, Spiders, Wasps, Beetles,
Termite swarms, Booklice, Crawling & Flying insects. CONTENT: 100ml
FOR USE: Use in enclosed spaces such as cars, vans, yatches, caravans, food trucks, shipping containers.
HOW DOES IT WORK DIRECTION FOR USE DO NOT use more than one fogger per vehicle. EM-2619 Vs EM-2608
Note: While d-phenothrin have a relatively wide margin of safety in dogs, cats appear to be more sensitive to the toxicity of concentrated pyrethrins. Emit Car Pest Fogger is a low-concentration products (sprays, foggers) contains only 2% d-phenothrin and do not cause the clinical syndrome that has been associated with the inappropriate use of concentrated (45–65% pyrethrin) spot-on products on cats. If you are looking for a lemony fragrance and residual formulation, please refer to EMIT RAPID RELIEF TOTAL RELEASE AEROSOL (EM-2608)
Copyright © 2024 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1317 Description: EMIT LUGGAGE TRAVEL DEFENSE SPRAY is formulated with natural ingredients that effectively target and eliminate bed bugs and a wide variety of insect pests. Safe to spray on luggages to prevent bed bugs from hitch hiking and also delivers rapid relief, knock out punch to a wide variety of insect pests, WHILE SAFE ON HUMANS. This product is formulated with "Genuine" essential oil and thus has a fantastic smell akin to natural perfume. Unlike synthetic fragrances that provides absolutely no protection again insect pests and causes headaches. HIGHLIGHTS:
TARGETS: Bed Bugs, Bird mites, Midges, Ants, Spiders, Wasps, Beetles,
Termite swarms, Booklice, Crawling & Flying insects. CONTENT: 100ml
FOR USE: Use in luggages, yachts, motels, AirBnB, cinema seats
HOW DOES IT WORK Spray luggages interior, zips, luggage handles & wheels to prevent bed bugs from hitch hiking. Upon contact, it kill insect and arachnid pests. DIRECTION FOR USE
**NEW PRODUCTS** EMIT APOSTLE INSECT REPELLENT Copyright © 2023 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1098 Description: EMIT APOSTLE INSECT REPELLENT are made with sustainably harvested oil of lemon eucalyptus and recommended natural plant based repellent against mosquitoes, flies and sandflies. The active ingredient comes from the oil of the Eucalyptus citriodora tree (also known as lemon-scented gum). It is enhanced through a simple conversion process that accelerates nature’s own maturation of the citriodora leaf. Known to regulatory authorities as Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus and Eucalyptus citriodora oil, hydrated, cyclized (EC Oil (H/C)). The Eucalyptus citriodora oil is enriched into Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (OLE) by converting the naturally occurring citronellal (not to be confused with the far less effective citronella) into p-methane-3,8-diol (PMD). Importantly, other naturally occurring constituents unaffected by the main conversion process work synergistically to provide greater repellency than those found with synthetically derived PMD. Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (OLE) is scientifically proven to be as effective as leading synthetic products, and far superior to alternative natural repellents. The efficacy has been tested in a leading entomology laboratory and obtained a unique level of accreditation for long-lasting repellency (more than 6 hours) for a plant-based repellent. Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (OLE) has been cited as safe for children, and pregnant and breastfeeding women when used according to its label and instructions. Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (OLE) active ingredient is derived from the leaves of the lemon eucalyptus citriodora tree - the only nature based ingredient recommended by the United States Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for use against Dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya. TARGETS: Repel Mosquitoes, Sandflies and flies CONTENT: 50ml
HOW DOES IT WORK The main component of oil of lemon eucalyptus that gives it its repellency to bugs is a chemical called p-Menthane-3,8-diol, or PMD. PMD came to the attention of U.S. scientists in the 1990s after they learned that a Chinese insect repellent called Quwenling was performing better than many other plant-based repellents. Quwenling’s main component is PMD. *Insect repellent containing OLE are as effective and long-lasting as DEET-based insect repellents according to more than 35 studies that have been conducted around the world. DIRECTION FOR USE
Application on Face and Neck
Application on Children
FREQUENT ASKED QUESTIONS Is it safe to use repellent on Children? Is it safe to use repellent on pregnant and breastfeeding women?
Copyright © 2023 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-2188 Description: EMIT "CHASE AWAY" BAT Repellent Spray is a ready-to-use aerosol light foamy spray formulation. When sprayed, it generates a jet of wet misty foam that irritates animals’ olfactory sensors. When bats touch, tastes, or smell “CHASE AWAY”, the spicy formulation triggers the natural instinct to escape/avoid. CHASE AWAY” does not harm bats, it drives them away from sprayed areas. TARGETS: Repel bats. CONTENT: 450ml
HOW DOES IT WORK DIRECTION FOR USE Application to: High, hard to reach spots (6m or more) NOT FOR APPLICATION TO PLANTS! During Maintenance, spray twice per month. FREQUENT ASKED QUESTIONS is it safe to use around Children and Pets? How long can the ”Chase Away” repellent effect last? DISCLAIMER EXCLUSION NET OR WIRE GAUZE Note: Aerosol Spray Extender is also available in our store.
Model: AEROSOL SPRAY EXTENDER Compatible Products: EMIT "CHASE AWAY" BAT REPELLENT SPRAY EM-2188 "Works well with Emit Bat Repellent Spray" EMIT WASP & HORNET SPRAY EM-1738 Requires changing of Aerosol Spray actuator EMIT "CHASE AWAY" BIRD REPELLENT SPRAY EM-151K Description: Made from Nylon material for added durability. An important tool in any Pest Control Technician arsenal. This item does exactly it need to do by keeping the applicator at a safe distance while getting to some of those hard to reach areas. Staying on the ground instead of using a ladder is a lot easier, and safer. Well worth the money!
Model: EM-1116SG Description: EMIT RAT GLUE TRAP SAFETY GUARD Available in box of 96 PCS We understand the frustration of finding the Rat station missing during regular inspection. The company loses money for every missing rat station. Moreover, rat station requires regular clean up due to overturned rat glue trap. Key Features:
Features: EM-1116SG Emit Rat Glue Trap Safety Guard is the answer to saving PCOs time & effort. Time could be better spent on making more housecalls or getting better rest. Each box contains 12 packs (24 traps). Applications: Place underneath Vending machines, kitchen counter tops, corners, along walls, or in spaces where rats are likely to travel. - Rats, rodent, mice Note:
EM-1116 is also available in our store. |
Model: EN-1116 Description: EMIT RAT RAT GLUE TRAP Available in box of 48 PACKs. (96 TRAPs). Key Features:
Features: EM-1116 EMIT Rat Glue Trap (Versatile) is a non-poisonous glue trap that is pre-scented to capture multiple LARGE rats. PCTs adore it for it's excellent holding strength. Even the largest and strongest rats couldn't escape this trap. Each box contains 48 packs (96 traps). Tear along the perforated line and get 2 regular sized traps. OR Use it as 1 entire piece for enhanced capture. STICKY PUTTY floor anchor- Knead the black sticky putty and place on 4 corners of the Glue trap to keep the Glue Trap firmly on the ground. Fits snuggly with EM-1116SG Safety guard to prevent accidental capture of unwanted animals. Applications: Place underneath Vending machines, kitchen counter tops, corners, along walls, or in spaces where rats are likely to travel. - Rats, rodent, mice Note: Safety Guards EM-1116SG are also available in our store. |
Copyright © 2024 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-2199 Description: EMIT Drain fly Aerosol Spray is a ready-to-use water-based aerosol foam formulation. When sprayed, it generates a thick visible wet foam to fill drainage pipes effectively controlling drain flies where they are found or suspected. Sutable for use in homes, commercial kitchens, toilets & bathrooms. TARGETS: Drain fly, Sewer fly, Moth fly(Psychoda spp.) CONTENT: 450ml
FOR USE: HOW DOES IT WORK DIRECTION FOR USE After 3 hours Minor Infestation - Repeat treatment for 3 consecutive days. Major Infestation - (Old hardened organic matter buildup) - Extend treatment to a week. A stiff brush may be required to scrub and dislodge aged organic matter buildup.
Copyright © 2023 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-206 Description: Rodenticides can harm humans and other animals that unknowingly consume or otherwise come into contact with them. EMIT Rodent Control Pellets is a ready-to-use tear-open box containing 120g natural control pellets. Made with natural corn cellulose, it physically controls rats without poison, making it a safe, easy-to-use rat control tool for home-owners. TARGETS: Rat & Mouse CONTENT: 120g/pack
HOW DOES IT WORK? Rodents consume the natural rodent control pellets readily as the pellets are infused with delicious grains such as corn, nuts, and wheat. Once consumed, the pellets absorb moisture within the rodent quickly dehydrating the rodent. Lack of water will cause the rodents to become lethargic, retreat into their nest, and go into a coma. Secondly, the natural ingredient corn cellulose will expand to several times its size blocking its digestive system and also its respiratory system. Rodents cannot excrete the expanded corn cellulose causing death. There’s no toxicity involved which means should a cat, dog or bird of prey stumble upon a dead rat and eat it, there’s no harmful secondary poisoning that can occur. There is also no danger of poisoning dogs or cats directly by directly consuming the pellets as it does not affect it as it does to rodents. The digestive system is different. Thirdly, the additional benefit of dehydrating the rodent is the reduction in odour. Corn cellulose is a great dehydrator and strips the moisture out of the rodents causing them to mummify, reducing the smell by up to 90%. Dried-out rat carcasses don’t smell, as compared to conventional rat poison that will leave your house smelling of dead rat or a week. DIRECTION FOR USE Remove all other food sources that might compete with the Natural Rodent Control Pellets. EMIT Natural Rodent Control Pellets are only effective if rodents consume them. That’s why it’s important to remove all other food sources prior. If there are other food sources that are of higher value to the rodents, they will consume the higher-value food and not the pellets. Deploy Natural Rodent Control pellets in places where rodent activities are high. Put pellet tray down in runways, near holes the rodents use Rats and mice are careful, and the closer the food source is to their home, the more likely they are to eat it. THINGS TO AVOID EMIT Natural Rodent Control Pellets become ineffective if it get wet. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS How do I use The Guardian Natural Rodent Control Pellets? It is conveniently packed in a Ready-To-Use pre-measured disposable tray containing 120g of pellets, sufficient for 2 or more rodents. Is it safe to use around pets and children? Yes, it is safe around pets and children when used as directed. Its non-toxic formula removes the risk of secondary poisoning, making it a pet-friendly option. However, I do recommend storing the product out of reach of pets and kids. Is it effective against all types of rats and mice? It is formulated to target both rats and mice. Its food-grade ingredients attract rodents regardless of species. However, the efficacy of the product depends on the consumption of the product. If at any time you find that the pellets are not consumed, you need to add more attractive food based on local conditions such as peanut butter, ham or cheese bits.
**NEW PRODUCTS** EMIT SNAKE & SCORPION REPELLENT SPRAY Copyright © 2023 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1735 Description: EMIT Snake & Scorpion Repellent Spray is a ready-to-use aerosol light foamy formulation. When sprayed, it generates a fine wet misty foam with strong peppermint odour that adheres/penetrates wood, fabric, porous material to give residual repellent effect of 2 weeks. Regular spraying is essential to recharge repellency effect as it will wane under sunlight and thru daily diffusion to surrounding air. TARGETS:Snakes, Scorpions, Centipede CONTENT: 450ml
HOW DOES IT WORK DIRECTION FOR USE Warning!! Some snakes (Cobra) can spit venom to 2m distance. Snakes should be left alone, except for snakes that poses an immediate danger to people or pets. Most snakes are shy creatures and will slitter away without causing harm. During Maintenance, spray twice per month. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Why are Snake & Scorpion’ activities still high after spraying? (1) Sprayed coverage area is too little. Snakes and scorpions simply avoid the sprayed areas and enters through lesser sprayed areas. (2) Poor Sanitation. Food source is still readily available. Food waste not bagged, tied, and disposed of in refuse bins and left overnight will attract rodents which is food source for snakes. DISCLAIMER Do note that direct spraying onto the target creatures will harm it. These creatures are part of the eco-system and should be left alone if it does not pose any danger to you. WE DO NOT GUARANTEE that one will not be attacked while using our product. Note: |
Copyright © 2023 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1738 Description: EMIT Wasp & Hornet Spray is a ready-to-use aerosol light foamy spray formulation. When sprayed, it generates a jet of wet misty foam that provides the rapid knockdown of Prallethrin and the killing power of Cyfluthrin in a specially designed powerful aerosol spraying mechanism. The spray foams up, killing any wasps or hornets touching it. The foam also disable their flight ability, preventing it from exiting the nest. Saturate the entire nest to kill the entire nest. TARGETS: Wasp, Hornet, Yellow Jackets CONTENT: 450ml
FOR USE: Control Wasps and Hornets to prevent stings. HOW DOES IT WORK DIRECTION FOR USE *Practice before actual spraying. *First timer users, do buy an extra can to *Shake Well Before Use. Personal Protection - If you possess a bee suit, wear it for protection. If you do not possess a bee suit, wear thick, baggy clothing with a hood, covering all exposed parts of your body, especially the head, neck, and face. Ensure you are wearing eye protection, a respirator, and rubber gloves. Direction of Spray - Aim for the nest opening and spray until the opening is saturated with foam solution before continuing to saturate the entire nest. Duration of Spray - Aim and spray for a 6~8 secs burst. Retreat quickly to a safe area and observe the hive from a distance. Continue spraying the hive if no danger is present. Leave the hive for 24 hours and scrap off the hive if no more activities are observed. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Note:
Copyright © 2023 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-319 Description: EMIT "CHASE AWAY" Animal Repellent Sprayis a ready-to-use aerosol light foamy spray formulation. When sprayed, it generates a jet of wet misty foam that irritates animals’ olfactory sensors. When an animal touches, tastes, or smells “CHASE AWAY”, the spicy formulation triggers the natural instinct to escape/avoid. CHASE AWAY” does not harm the animal, it drives them away from sprayed areas. TARGETS: Repel monkeys, cats, civet cats, dogs, otters & wild boar. CONTENT: 450ml
HOW DOES IT WORK DIRECTION FOR USE Application to: Emergency Personal Protection NOT FOR APPLICATION TO PLANTS! During Maintenance, spray twice per month. FREQUENT ASKED QUESTIONS is it safe to use around Children and Pets? How long can the ”Chase Away” repellent effect last? DISCLAIMER
Note: |
**NEW PRODUCTS** EMIT LIZARD/GECKO SPRAY Copyright © 2023 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-191 Description: EMIT LIZARD/GECKO Spray is a ready-to-use aerosol light foam spray formulation. When sprayed, it generates a fine misty foam with a pleasant fragrance that adheres/penetrates wood, fabric, and porous material to give a residual effect of 4 weeks. Regular spraying is essential to recharge the repellency effect as it will wane under sunlight and thru daily diffusion to the surrounding. TARGETS: House Lizards & Geckos CONTENT: 450ml
FOR USE: HOW DOES IT WORK DIRECTION FOR USE During Maintenance, spray twice per month. FREQUENT ASKED QUESTIONS DISCLAIMER Do note that direct spraying onto the lizards and Geckos will harm it. These creatures are part of the eco-system and should be left alone if it does not pose any danger to you. Note: |
**NEW PRODUCTS** EMIT MITE SPRAY (Plant Based) Copyright © 2023 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-2615 Description: EMIT Mite Spray is a ready-to-use aerosol spray formulation. When sprayed, it provides control of mites with a fine mist of natural plant extracts consisting of Eucalyptus Citriodora oil (H/C) and Geraniol oil. Contrary to popular misconception, mites are not insects but are eight-legged arachnids, relatives of spiders. Not surprisingly, many synthetic insecticides do not kill mites even though it is effective against many other insect pests. Emit Mite Spray is tested to work and is safe to be used on beddings & fabrics in the indoor home environment. Its plant-based formulation makes it safe to be used around children and pets. TARGETS: Mites, Dust mites, Bird mites CONTENT: 450ml
FOR USE: HOW DOES IT WORK DIRECTION FOR USE FREQUENT ASKED QUESTIONS How long does it take to kill dust mites? Is it safe to use on children’s bed? Will the itches and allergies disappear immediately? Note: |
What's in the box?
What's inside the box?
Key Point: "SAFETY"
100ml Concentrate Bottle
Electric Sprayer
Dual Spray Mode
Copyright © 2022 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: BOX A Description: We understand your needs to get rid of the insect pests, but want to avoid the harsh toxicity of pesticide. To solve that, We bring you Solutions in a box! PEST BOX “BOX A” is an optimized water-based Pyrethrin formulation, specially designed to deliver fast knockdown and kill of household garden pests. “Box A” active Ingredient, Pyrethrum is extracted from flowers of the plant Chrysanthemum Cinerariifolium. This natural extract formulation can be safely used around children & pets. The only green botanical pesticides approved to be used around kitchens, food handling, processing and storage areas. Pyrethrum degrades rapidly under sunlight and we can safely re-enter once it dries. TARGETS: Household Garden pests (Hornet, Ants, Biting midges, Termites, Crickets, Millipedes, Centipedes, Spiders, Aphids, Spiders, Mites, Mealybugs, Scale insects, Leafhopper, White Flies, Caterpillars and many more) CONTENT: FOR USE:
Ideal for:
HOW DOES IT WORK? Pyrethrum quickly knocks down and kills pests, attacking the nervous system of insects. Environmentally Friendly: Pyrethrum quickly breaks down in sunlight, leaving no residues. DIRECTION FOR USE
APPLICATION AREAS Surface Spray (Indoors): To kill accessible exposed stage of listed insect pests. Surface Spray (Outdoors): To kill accessible exposed stage of listed insect pests. Apply liberally to all exposed parts of the plants, underneath the leaves, stems, tuff. Crack & Crevices treatment: Adjust the spray head to allow a jet stream. Project the jet steam into the Crack & Crevices area. Pay attention to force the spray into all cracks and crevices TIME OF SPRAY Outdoor - To avoid possible harm to honey bees and other beneficial insects, it is advisible to spray when non-target insects are least active (evening time) Indoors - Any time of the day. Ensure no occupants are in the treatment areas during treatment. Allows the spray to fully dry, ventilate for 2 hous before allowing re-entry. DRAWBACKS This product is a contact kill insecticide and degrades rapidly under sunlight, making it a very safe, versatile product. However, it does not offer long-term protection (residual action). Frequent spraying is necessary to keep pests in checks. While it eliminates most pests during each application, new batches of pests may be reintroduced into the treatment areas (Carried in by luggages, delivery boxes, soil from shoes). Note:
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CAUTION: Harmful if absorbed through skin. Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. Do not apply to humans, their clothing or bedding. Do not allow children or pets to contact treated surfaces until spray has dried (2 HOURS). Do not contaminate food or use on household pets. Cover fish tanks prior to application. Do not apply this product in patient rooms while occupied or in any rooms while occupied by the elderly or infirm. Do not apply to classrooms when in use. Avoid contamination of food, feedstuffs, or water supply. Do not contaminate food preparation surfaces, kitchen utensils, dishes, or feed storage containers. Any food/feed contact surfaces and cooking utensils in the treatment area should be covered during treatment or thoroughly cleaned before using. Do not spray where electrical short circuits might result, such as wall outlets, conduits, etc. FIRST AID IF SWALLOWED: Call a doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a glass of water if able to do swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. IF ON SKIN OR CLOTHING: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. Call a doctor for treatment advice if irritation persist. IF IN EYES: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eyes. Call a doctor for treatment advice if irritation persist. Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment.
BOX "B" Use this when all else failed! EMIT BOX "B" SUPREME B
What's in the box?
What's inside the box?
Key Point: "EFFICACY"
100ml Concentrate Bottle
New form of Crystals - Faster acting Imidacloprid
Crystals forming in solution
Spray onto Bed
SPRAY WITH EASE Copyright © 2022 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: BOX B Description: We bring you pest solutions in a simple box. We understand your despair when dealing with bedbugs. Most people ask, why does it keeps coming back? Why can't it just die and stop? We bring you Solutions in a box! The answers are really quite simple.
To solve this, you need to apply a residual based insecticide that will offers continuous lasting protection (residual protection) after application and yet safe to spray on indoors on beds.S PEST BOX “BOX B” Active Ingredient, Imidacloprid SL is an high efficacy neonicotinoid formulation, Specially formulated to deliver safe (can be sprayed on beddings), effective and dual mode of action killing ( kills bedbugs by both contact and ingestion) of bed bugs that last for months (residual action)! Unlike other imidacloprid, it has a new crystalline structure bring you up to 9X faster effects. Imidacloprid is part of the family of neonicotinoid insecticides, which act on the central nervous system of insects by binding to the same receptor as nicotine. When Bedd bugs crawl on surfaces sprayed with imidacloprid, the insecticide molecules are absorbed from crystals through their feet, disrupting their nervous systems and killing them. TARGETS: Bed Bugs CONTENT: FOR USE:
Ideal for:
Not For:
HOW DOES IT WORK? Secondly, it offers residual protection, killing remaining bedbugs as it crawls over the sprayed area. Supreme B dries to form micro-crystals which get ingested by bedbugs as it grooms. The more comprehensive the spray coverage, the higher the efficacy. Thus spray as many places as possible where bedbugs roam. Beddings and furniture are safe to use once it dries.
APPLICATION AREAS Surface Spray (Indoors): Apply directly to mattress and box spring surfaces For porus surfaces, such as mattresses and carpet areas, apply till thoroughly damp but not wet. Infested bed linens should not be treated. These shoud be removed, tightly sealed in a plastic bag, laundered and dried at high temperature prior to re-use. Using pin-stream, spray directly to mattresses paying attention to seams, folds, tuffs and edges as well as bed frames and box spring where bed bugs harbour. Spray to
Crack & Crevices treatment: Adjust the spray head to allow a jet stream. Project the jet steam into the Crack & Crevices area. Pay attention to force the spray into all cracks and crevices TIME OF SPRAY Avoid spraying near to bed time. The re-entry time of the product is 2 hours after spraying. DRAWBACKS There is a need to conduct a preventative treatment 10-14 days after your first treatment to kill emerging nymphs. Note:
WORKS GREAT WITH Supreme B Supreme B A.I Mode of action against bed bugs (IRAC 4A) SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CAUTION: Harmful if absorbed through skin. Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. Do not apply to humans, their clothing or bedding. Do not allow children or pets to contact treated surfaces until spray has dried (2 HOURS). Do not contaminate food or use on household pets. Cover fish tanks prior to application. Do not apply this product in patient rooms while occupied or in any rooms while occupied by the elderly or infirm. Do not apply to classrooms when in use. Avoid contamination of food, feedstuffs, or water supply. Do not contaminate food preparation surfaces, kitchen utensils, dishes, or feed storage containers. Any food/feed contact surfaces and cooking utensils in the treatment area should be covered during treatment or thoroughly cleaned before using. Do not spray where electrical short circuits might result, such as wall outlets, conduits, etc. FIRST AID IF SWALLOWED: Call a doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a glass of water if able to do swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. IF ON SKIN OR CLOTHING: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. Call a doctor for treatment advice if irritation persist. IF IN EYES: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eyes. Call a doctor for treatment advice if irritation persist. Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment.
What's in the box?
What's inside the box?
100ml Concentrate Bottle
Copyright © 2022 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: BOX C Description: In Singapore, our hectic lifestyle often leaves us with not much time for taking care of our house. However, we would still want to protect our house and love ones from invading pests. We bring you Solutions in a box! Spray once and it will keep your household free of pests for 3 MONTHS!*(provided area is not washed) The first application will yield a high insect mortality rate, you can literally see insect pests drop dead as you spray. Guaranteed to save you time and money! PEST BOX “BOX C” insecticide concentrate contains not 1 but 2 active ingredients, Cyfluthrin & Imiprothrin. Imiprothrin delivers quick knockdown, while Cyfluthrin provides long time residual protection of household crawling pests. An effective general purpose spray for both indoor and outdoor applications, including trees, lawns, shrubs, etc. effectively controls over 100 different types of indoor, outdoor, turf and ornamental insect pest It features a low odor, non-staining formula with quick knockdown and a long residual life. TARGETS: General houshold crawling pests CONTENT: FOR USE:
Ideal for:
Not For:
HOW DOES IT WORK? Imiprothrin is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide that causes paralysis in insects. It has low acute toxicity to humans through the inhalation and dermal routes. DIRECTION FOR USE
TIME OF SPRAY The re-entry time of the product is 2 hours after spraying. DRAWBACKS As it is an extremely effective pesticide, it cannot distinguish between beneficial insects and insect pests. It will kill all insects on contact. Thus do not spray on areas frequent by honey bees as honey bees are pollinators and are beneficial insects. Note:
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CAUTION: Harmful if absorbed through skin. Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. Do not apply to humans, their clothing or bedding. Do not allow children or pets to contact treated surfaces until spray has dried (2 HOURS). Do not contaminate food or use on household pets. Cover fish tanks prior to application. Do not apply this product in patient rooms while occupied or in any rooms while occupied by the elderly or infirm. Do not apply to classrooms when in use. Avoid contamination of food, feedstuffs, or water supply. Do not contaminate food preparation surfaces, kitchen utensils, dishes, or feed storage containers. Any food/feed contact surfaces and cooking utensils in the treatment area should be covered during treatment or thoroughly cleaned before using. Do not spray where electrical short circuits might result, such as wall outlets, conduits, etc. FIRST AID IF SWALLOWED: Call a doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a glass of water if able to do swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. IF ON SKIN OR CLOTHING: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. Call a doctor for treatment advice if irritation persist. IF IN EYES: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eyes. Call a doctor for treatment advice if irritation persist. Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment.
Model: HP-0505 Body: Stainless Steel SUS 304 Description: Heavy duty, 5 ltr, professional sprayer, manufactured with high quality Viton seals for greater chemical resistance. The sprayer comes complete with a brass trigger and stainless steel lance and reinforced hose, complete with an adjustable brass nozzle for either fan or spray output. The body, piston are made from stainless steel, which is excellent against harsh chemicals like pest control chemicals and oil. Comes with adjustable, carry shoulder strap, which is comfortable and easy to use. Features:
Maintenance Note:Every sprayers require regular mainenence. To extend the life of your sprayer, always remember to release pressure and uphold the nozzle and hose to ensure chemical return back to the tank after each application. Regular maintenance by rinising tank, plunger, unnlocking sediments buildup in nozzle will increase the lifespan of the sprayer. |
Copyright © 2022 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1037 Dimension: Dismantlement Size: Material: Galvanised steel Description: ENTA REPEATING PIGEON TRAP is designed for repeating trapping/ multiple catching of pigeons by pest control operators and/or local authorities. Each trap can contain 12 pigeons. The repeating pigeon trap is designed for fast trapping of pigeons in urban areas in towns and cities. It combines the bob type one way door entrance giving you a superior and very effective trap. Key Features:
Features: Bob type one way traps are specifically designed for pigeons that are very much enticed by food and will barge into the trap for food– but cannot escape as the one opens one way. Note: Use the food preferred by that species of bird to increase chance of catching. Sprinkle grains around and inside the trap few days prior to setting the trap. This will lower birds suspicion and entice them to the trap. Having the best trapping equipment does not guarantee trapping success. Bird and trapping can be as much art as it is science and effective trapping takes careful planning, a knowledge of the target species, the correct bait, trap location and more. Setup Instructions Coming Soon! Other Models available
SPECIAL DESIGNED ACTIVATION BAR! Copyright © 2022 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1038 Dimension: Dismantlement Size: Material: Galvanised steel Description: ENTA TOP ENTRY (2 DOORS) LARSEN CROW TRAP is used for catching members of the Corvid or crow family ( magpies, crows, jays and jackdaws) and also excellent at trapping Myanhs. Special designed activation bar (preferred by professionals) for quick setup compared to double wooden poles design. Key Features:
Features: Larsen traps are specifically designed so that the target species can enter and step on the perch, activating the trap and shut the door preventing it to escape. Note: Use the food preferred by that species of bird to increase chance of catching. Sprinkle grains around and inside the trap few days prior to setting the trap. This will lower birds suspicion and entice them to the trap. Bird and trapping can be as much art as it is science and effective trapping takes careful planning, a knowledge of the target species, the correct bait, trap location and more. Setup Instructions Coming Soon! Other Models available |
Copyright © 2022 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1039 Dimension: Dismantlement Size: Material: Chrome steel Description: ENTA REPEATING SPARROW TRAP is designed for repeating trapping/ multiple catching of sparrows by pest control operators and/or local authorities. Each trap can contain 15 pigeons. The repeating pigeon trap is designed for fast trapping of pigeons in urban areas in towns and cities. It combines the bob type one way door entrance giving you a superior and very effective trap. Key Features:
Features: Repeating Sparrow traps are specifically designed so that the target species can enter by a narrow funnel opening – but cannot escape when they attempt to fly out. Note: Use the food preferred by that species of bird to increase chance of catching. Sprinkle grains around and inside the trap few days prior to setting the trap. This will lower birds suspicion and entice them to the trap. Bird and trapping can be as much art as it is science and effective trapping takes careful planning, a knowledge of the target species, the correct bait, trap location and more. Setup Instructions Coming Soon! Other Models available |
Copyright © 2022 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-151K Description: Emit Bird repellent spray is a ready-to-use chemosensorybird repellent conveniently packed into a tiny aerosol can. It eliminates the need for bulky haze generator, ULV or thermal fogger. It provides a convenient, effective and humane way to deter unwelcome birds from making nest at your property. Birds’ nests are dirty (littered with droppings, feathers), attract bugs, bird mites, and could pose a health hazard if spores from the droppings get sucked into the aircon system. Formulated with Methyl Anthranilate (MA), a commomly used grape fragrance or flavoring in food products. (MA) is classified Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS). TARGETS: Repel Feral Birds, Pigeons, Mynahs, Starlings,
Sparrows. CONTENT: 200ml FOR USE: Indoor and outdoor bird dispersal, air-con ledge, boat sheds, places of worship, bus terminals, substations, hangers, barracks, schools, plant nurseries, fruit trees, HOW DOES IT WORK DIRECTION FOR USE 3. Our special Motion-Activated Bird Repellent Sprayer to actively target birds as it visit the premises. Note: |
**NEW PRODUCTS** EMIT MOTION-ACTIVATED BIRD REPELLENT SPRAYER Copyright © 2022 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-152 Description: Emit Bird Repellent sprayer can actively & passively protect your premises against birds (Pigeons, Mynas, sparrows, starlings). Active Protection Vs Passive Protection Active Protection – Scan the area for birds and activate trigger spray once bird motion is detected. Passive Protection – Time Release the bird spray at a pre-set time interval.
Copyright © 2022 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1107 Description: EMIT Rodent Repellent Spray is a ready-to-use aerosol light foamy formulation. When sprayed, it generates a fine wet misty foam with strong peppermint odour that adheres/penetrates wood, fabric, porous material to give a lasting repellent effect against rodents. Regular spraying is essential to recharge repellency effect as it will wane under sunlight and thru daily diffusion to surrounding air. TARGETS: Rodents CONTENT: 450ml FOR USE:Significantly reduce rodent activities. Repel rodents , prevent entry, foraging and nesting. Suitable for use in homes, barracks, factories, vehicles, retail stores & garages.
Copyright © 2022 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-337 Description: EMIT Human Odour Blocker is a ready-to-use water-based aerosol spray mist formulation. When sprayed, it generates a fine wet misty foam to eliminate odour. This product can be used to eliminate human odour that attracts insects and significantly reduce the presence of flying insects such as mosquitoes, flies, and biting midges. The spray adheres to foliage, wood, stone/brick, and other organic materials. This creates a vertical barrier that strengthens with each spray. TARGETS: Significantly reduce the presence of flying insects like CONTENT: 450ml FOR USE: For use in non-food areas of Residential, Commercial, Government, and Military sites such as homes, apartments, hotels, motels, dormitories, barracks, shelters, offices, airports, KTVs, restaurants, Senior & Child care centers.
Copyright © 2022 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-2608 Description: Rapid Relief is a Single Use, Total Release pyrethroid based, Ultra Low Volume (ULV) fogger that delivers rapid relief, knock out punch to a wide variety of insect pests. HIGHLIGHTS:
TARGETS:Bugs, Bird mites, Midges, Ants, Spiders, Wasps, Beetles, CONTENT: 150ml FOR USE: Use in enclosed spaces such as apartments, factories, schools, attics, basements, boat cabins, garages, homes, sheds, storage areas, Plant nursery, stores, offices, hotels, KTVs, Senior & Child care centers, cars & vans.
Copyright © 2022 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: "POTION 10" Description: Bed bugs “Potion 10” is a ready-to-use water-based aerosol foam formulation. When sprayed, it generates a clearly visible thin wet foam to cover areas affected by Bed bugs. This product can be used to control Bed bugs where they are found or suspected. Suitable for use in, on, and around baseboards, carpet, rugs, bed frames, box springs, headboards, wheelchairs, closets, furniture, seats, picture frames, luggage, and walls that are subjected to attack by or provide harbourage to insects. TARGETS: Bed Bugs, Dog Ticks, Dust Mites, Bird Mites CONTENT: 450ml FOR USE: For indoor use in non-food areas of Residential, Commercial, Government, and Military sites such as homes, apartments, hotels, motels, dormitories, barracks, hospitals, shelters, offices, airports, theaters, nursing homes, sports and entertainment facilities, retail stores, schools, restaurants, and the interior of transportation equipment including cars, vans, buses, trucks, military equipment, trains, ships and airplane cargo holds, Hotels, KTVs, Senior & Child care centers.
Copyright © 2022 by EMIT TECHNOLOGY. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-2612 Description: This product is a ready-to-use water-based aerosol foam formulation. When sprayed, the formulation expands and generates a wet foam. This product can be used to control insects where they are found or suspected: in nests, galleries, harbourages, and voids. Suitable for use in antique furniture, parquet floorings, pianos, structural and non-structural elements (Roof beams, purlins & rafters) that are subjected to attack by, or provide harbourage to insects. TARGETS:Termites (including Subterranean, Drywood & Dampwood) Wood Destroying Insects (Powder Post Beetles, Old House Borer) & Ants. CONTENT: 450ml
Copyright © 2021 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Made in Singapore. Dimension: Approx. W1200 x L1500mm Description: ENTA MANUAL BIRD SPRING TRAP is designed for catching large flock of birds. Each trap can trap more than 20 birds. This manual bird Spring trap is suitable for Pigeons, Mynas, Crows and Sparrows. Features: Manually PULL rope to activate spring trap. Instructions
5. Pull rope to activate trap Note: Use bait preferred by that species of bird to lure the preferred bird species for trapping. Note: Actual trap may vary slightly in design as we are constantly upgrading our design to serve you better.
Copyright © 2022 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-851 Size: **Fulfills NEA Safety Engineering Features Description: ENTA UV-C ROOM STERILISER (AIRBOIZER NEAT) ENTA (AIRBOIZER NEAT) is a powerful solution against disease-causing microorganisms . It employs 2 x 8W Germicidal lamp (from Japan) to emit 253.7 nm wavelengths of UV-C light to eliminate viruses, bacteria, spores and other disease-causing microbes. It is highly effective in eliminating microbes in the air by deactivating the cellular ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), as well as the reproductive capabilities of microorganisms. Dosage values between 10 - 20 mJ/cm2 will inactivate viruses similar to COVID-19 based on using the UV wavelength 254 nm. This dosage can achieve 99.9% disinfection against viruses in the SARS family in ideal lab conditions. Stringent engineering features are inbuilt into Airboizer Neat which includes features like motion activated cutoff power (Prevents accidental exposure) and front swivel protection plate (Shield against direct UVC eye exposure). Airboizer Neat has an inbuilt EMF pest repeller. It emits powerful bursts of extremely low frequency electro-magnetic waves. Electro-magnetic waves penetrate effortlessly through concrete and wooden barriers to destroy pest communities hiding in cracks and crevices of walls, and drive them faraway from the areas under their influence. UV 253.7 nm light is also capable of eradicating common dust mites, book lice problems. Key Features:
How to tell if UVC products kill viruses?Dosage values between 10 - 20 mJ/cm2 will inactivate viruses. A device called a UVC dosimeter will changes color based on the amount of UV-C radiation that hits it. Each of our UV-C ROOM STERILISER will come suppied with a UVC dosimeter. |
Copyright © 2022 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-852 Size: **Fulfills NEA Safety Engineering Features Description: ENTA UV-C ROOM STERILISER (AIRBOIZER BEAR) ENTA (AIRBOIZER BEAR) is a powerful solution against disease-causing microorganisms . It employs 1 x 15W Germicidal lamp (from Japan) to emit 253.7 nm wavelengths of UV-C light to eliminate viruses, bacteria, spores and other disease-causing microbes. It is highly effective in eliminating microbes in the air by deactivating the cellular ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), as well as the reproductive capabilities of microorganisms. Stringent engineering features are inbuilt into Airboizer Bear which includes features like motion activated cutoff power (Prevents accidental exposure) and front swivel protection plate (Shield against direct UVC eye exposure). Dosage values between 10 - 20 mJ/cm2 will inactivate viruses similar to COVID-19 based on using the UV wavelength 254 nm. This dosage can achieve 99.9% disinfection against viruses in the SARS family in ideal lab conditions. Airboizer Bear has an inbuilt EMF pest repeller. It emits powerful bursts of extremely low frequency electro-magnetic waves. Electro-magnetic waves penetrate effortlessly through concrete and wooden barriers to destroy pest communities hiding in cracks and crevices of walls, and drive them faraway from the areas under their influence. UV 253.7 nm light is also capable of eradicating common dust mites, book lice problems. Key Features:
How to tell if UVC products kill viruses?Dosage values between 10 - 20 mJ/cm2 will inactivate viruses. A device called a UVC dosimeter will changes color based on the amount of UV-C radiation that hits it. Each of our UV-C ROOM STERILISER will come suppied with a UVC dosimeter.
Copyright © 2022 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-853 Size: **Fulfills NEA Safety Engineering Features Description: ENTA UV-C ROOM STERILISER (AIRBOIZER SENTRY) ENTA (AIRBOIZER SENTRY) is a powerful solution against disease-causing microorganisms . It employs 1 x 20W Germicidal lamp (from Japan) to emit 253.7 nm wavelengths of UV-C light to eliminate viruses, bacteria, spores and other disease-causing microbes. It is highly effective in eliminating microbes in the air by deactivating the cellular ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), as well as the reproductive capabilities of microorganisms. Not only does it eliminate viruses, bacteria...AIRBOIZER SENTRY can also deter rodents from frequenting your premises. Our on site studies has shown that rodent, cockroaches and pest activities are reduced by more than 60% upon installation. Stringent engineering features are inbuilt into Airboizer Sentry which includes features like motion activated cutoff power (Prevents accidental exposure) and front swivel protection plate (Shield against direct UVC eye exposure). Dosage values between 10 - 20 mJ/cm2 will inactivate viruses similar to COVID-19 based on using the UV wavelength 254 nm. This dosage can achieve 99.9% disinfection against viruses in the SARS family in ideal lab conditions. Airboizer Sentry has an inbuilt EMF pest repeller. It emits powerful bursts of extremely low frequency electro-magnetic waves. Electro-magnetic waves penetrate effortlessly through concrete and wooden barriers to destroy pest communities hiding in cracks and crevices of walls, and drive them faraway from the areas under their influence. UV 253.7 nm light is also capable of eradicating common dust mites, book lice problems. Key Features:
How to tell if UVC products kill viruses?Dosage values between 10 - 20 mJ/cm2 will inactivate viruses. A device called a UVC dosimeter will changes color based on the amount of UV-C radiation that hits it. Each of our UV-C ROOM STERILISER will come suppied with a UVC dosimeter.
Model: EM-183P Size: Features: Simple plastic bait trays (poison labelled) to house block/pellet/granule & liquid baits. Pros's Tips: Always use containers that display promiment warning signs to house pesticide. Do not use in areas exposed to children and pets. Other Bait trays are also available in our store. |
Model: EM-218 Description: ENTA INSECT MONITOR HOLDER Suitable for use with Insect Monitors (3747i) & Monitors 100i Key Features:
Features: EM-218 Insect Traps & Monitors Holder is excellent for PCO use. PCTs can use it to at pre-determined monitoring locations, species and severity of insect infestations. Compatible Insect Traps & Monitors are available in our store. |
Model: 3747 i Description: ENTA INSECT TRAPS & MONITORS Available in box of 100 boards. (300 monitors). Key Features:
Features: 3747 i Insect Traps & Monitors is a non-poisonous glue trap that captures and monitors insects. PCTs can use it to accurately determine the location, species and severity of insect infestations. Each board consists of three monitors that can be torn off using the perforated lines, or you can use the entire board as a large trap. Applications: Place near baseboards, corners, along walls, or in spaces where insects are likely to travel. - Flies/ Fruit flies/ Drain flies "PRINT YOUR COMPANY SERVICE!" Note: |
Model: 3743 i Description: ENTA INSECT TRAPS & MONITORS Available in box of 72 boards. Key Features:
Features: 3743 i Insect Traps & Monitors Glue Traps is not only great for insects but also mice, centipedes, spiders, scorpions, small snakes and other creepy crawlies. This versatile trap can be used many ways to capture mice or insects. Depending on the situation, use it either flat or folded into a covered trap. Excellent for trapping German roaches with the special bait pack. Applications: Place near baseboards, corners, along walls, or in spaces where insects are likely to travel. - Flies/ Fruit flies/ Drain flies "PRINT YOUR COMPANY SERVICE!" Note: |
Model: 3745 c Description: ENTA GLUE TRAP Available in Key Features:
Features: 3745 c German Cockroach Glue Traps is the death star for German cockroaches. Glue specially made for Singapore hot humid weather with special lure. Especially popular with PCTs as an IPM tool. Applications: Place in cupboards (especially under the sink), under fridges. You will be amazed with your catch! - German Cockroaches
Note: |
Model: EN-1113 Description: ENTA JUMBO SQUARE RAT TRAP Available in box of 12 PACKs. (24 TRAPs). Key Features:
Features: EN-1113 Enta Jumbo Square Rat Trap is a non-poisonous glue trap that is pre-scented to capture multiple LARGE rats. PCTs adore it for it's excellent holding strength. Even the largest and strongest rats couldn't escape this trap. Each box contains 12 packs (24 traps). Applications: Place underneath Vending machines, kitchen counter tops, corners, along walls, or in spaces where rats are likely to travel. - Rats, rodent, mice Note: |
Model: EM-216 Description: ENTA TRANSLUCENT STICKY GLUE BOARD Available in box of 50 SETs. (50 x 2 =100 TRAPs). Key Features:
Features: EM-216 Translucent Sticky Glue Board . Each box contains 50 Sets (100 traps). Applications: Place in Gravid traps, Ovi traps (Mosquito Trapping), Field control surveillance traps, Organic fruit vegetable pest trapper, window fly trap. - Mosquitoes, biting midges, aphids, Note: |
Model: EN-3623 G Description: ENTA DISCREET INSECT MONITOR Available in 8 SETS / PACK (8 x 2 =16 TRAPs). Key Features:
Features: Enta Discreet Insect Monitor is black in colour and perfect size for placment behind bed boards, hotels, sensitive facilities where discreement is desired. Applications: For surveillance traps, hotels, hospitals, stored grain pests. - Mosquitoes, biting midges, aphids, Note: |
Model: Dimension: Description: ENTA INSECT GLUE BOARDS are non-poisonous cardboard glue traps, designed for trapping flying insects & allow users to quickly identify and determine how many insects have been caught – useful for HACCP procedures. It contains a release paper that protects the glue surface and is easily removed when ready to use. Features:
Model: 3749 i Description: ENTA YELLOW STICKY GLUE BOARD Available in 20 sheets / pack. Key Features:
Features: 3749 i Yellow Sticky Glue Board . Is your edible garden being eaten by insect pests? Need an organic solution to keep your fruit plants away from harmful pests? Capture aphids, leaf miner, fungus gnats, thrips, white flies, black flies, midges, mosquitoes and other flying insects and pests. BRIGHT YELLOW COLOUR – specially designed to mimick ripen fruits, flowers to trap fruit devastating insect pests ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION – Yellow Glue traps is made of Non-toxic material, controlling pests in a more ECO friendly and economical way. Suitable for Organic farming. You can cut it in any size or shape Applications: For use in organic farming, home farming, herb farms, fruit & vegetable seller - Aphids, leaf miner, fungus gnats, thrips Note: |
**HOT PRODUCTS** ENTA JUMBO SQUARE GLUE TRAP HOLDER Model: EM-202 Size (Approx): Description: EM-202 Rat Station Holder is designed specially to ease Pest Control Operators storage & handling problems. Rat Bait station are often bulky and occupies too much space in the vehicle. This Jumbo square glue ttap holder to save space and also prevent accidental capture of birds or kittens. Features: Fits Jumbo Rat glue board (EN-1113) Light weight and foldable for easy storage. Economical
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA FAST RELIEF TOTAL RELEASE FOGGER Model: EM-2603 Description: TARGETS: Bed bugs, bird mites, midges, sand flies, spiders, wasps, FOR USE: Food and Non-Food Areas of Homes, Food Processing
Plants, Plant nursery, Restaurants, Industrial Buildings,
Schools, Ware houses, Offices, Theaters, Garages,
Hotels, KTVs, Senior & Child care centers.
Total Release Fogger in action Video |
Model: EM-110 Description: ENTA TERMIWOOD (Classic Clear Wood Preservative Oil) Available in 1kg & 5kg packing. Key Features:
Features: TermiWood is a classic ready to use wood treatment oil, for treatment of new and existing internal timbers. Easy to appy and penetrates wood deeply. Protects wood from Termites, Wood boring beetles, Carpenter ants and many other wood destroying insects.Protects wood from termites, wood boring beetles & Carpenter ants. Offers 3 to 5 years of residual efficacy. DIRECTION FOR USE Dilution Rate: No dilution is needed; product is ready to use. Brushing Application: 2-3 strokes (approximately 200 – 300ml of TermiWood per sqm)
Copyright © 2021 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-3760 Size: Description: ENTA INSECT LIGHT GLUE TRAP DOUBLE SIDED Insect Light Glue Trap designed for eateries, supermarkets where seafood, poultry and meat are sold. Especially beneficial to businesses where prawns, crabs, fishes would attract lots of flies. Key Features:
Features: 4 x 15 watts of Shatterproof, BL light lamps for maximum attraction and safety. Specially UV resistant glue boards capture the smallest to large insects intact for easy identification. Glue Board: Standard full size (black) for sensitive accounts and density counts or HACCP audits. Board Size 245mm x 423mm. Applications:
Copyright © 2021 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-328 Heavy Duty Termites Buster Size: Description: ENTA HEAVY DUTY TERMITES BUSTER Heavy Duty Termite Buster is a revolutionary device that employs "Deep Wave Signal Technology DWST" technology to create an invisible barrier. DWST combines four different type of waves to repel against termites & many other pests. Many years of research has been put into this device to make it a success. Now we have an effective "non-chemical" tool against termites.
Key Features:
Model: 1F 100F PONY Description: COMPACT THERMAL FOGGER 1F 100F Pony compact thermal foggers is designed for fogging all kinds of liquid pesticides, disinfectants. ** DO NOT USE DISINFECTANT CONTAINING ALCOHOL Technical Specifications Model : Pony Key Features:
Actual onsite working Video Thermal fogging in plant nursery |
Model: EN-107 Description: ENTA Insect Capture Glue (EN-107) Available in 1kg & 5kg metal tin. Key Features:
Features: a slow drying, extremely tacky compound that is formulated to trap both big and tiny insects.Economical to use on a home organic garden, fruit tree control, nuisance flies control, poulty/cow farm or stable. - Flies/ Fruit flies/ Drain flies DIRECTION FOR USE This environment-friendly method will solve your insect problems without harm to humans and other creatures. Note:
Model: EM-179 Size: Material: Galvanised Steel Wire Description: ENTA TRAP-A-LOT Mulitple Catch Rat Trap Enta TRAP-A-LOT Rat Trap is suitable for trapping a multiple rats. Key Features:
Features: This trap features 3 see-saw trap door which closes once the mouse enters the cage. Great for catching multiple rats. Be sure to place plently of baits inside the cage and wait for the result. Once rats see multiple rats feasting on snacks inside the trap, more rats will want to enter. Often rat traps fail as the door will slam shut and this cause the rats to panic and the panic sounds deter rats from entering the trap. This environment-friendly method will solve your pest rat problems without harm to humans and other creatures. Note:
Model: Manhole Key Stainless Steel Size: Material: SS304 A specially designed universal drain key for opening and lifting drain covers. Made of Stainless steel to prevent rust and easy to clean and store after use. |
Model: ULV-300 Description: ULV 300 Mister Technical Specifications Used Power: AC 220V,50~60Hz Key Features:
**HOT PRODUCTS** ENTA ODOUR & BACTERIAL CONTROL (OBC) Contains A.I. (Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride) Can be diluted 50 times and still as effective.
Made in Singapore. A product you can trust! Model: EM-334 OBC is an excellent anti-microorganism germicide/ disinfectant that gets rid of stubborn foul odours easily in an instant. This non-toxic, highly concentrated triple-action solution cleans, disinfects and deodorises. After application, it also aid in reduction of flies, cockroaches, rats and other pests. OBC can control odors in sewage plants, septic tanks, lagoons, aerators, sewer mains, and laterals. Use it to neutralize odors in drain fields, landfills, equestrian, dumpsters, chicken farms and trash cans as well as getting rid of dead rat smell, urine smell. Preferred by building contractors, event organizers, medical clinics, childcare/ elderly care personnels, hotel managers, farmers, sewer treatment personnel, and even homeowners. Note: ** Do not discharge into waterways, ponds or reservoirs. Hot favourite for prevention of influenza. Key Features:
Preferred by Professionals in the application to the followings;
**HOT PRODUCTS** ENTA ORGANIC VIRUS INHIBITOR (V103) Natural Defense against AIRBORNE INFLUENZA VIRUS Model: V103 Influenza particles can spread by airborne droplets, close contact with an infected person, and contact with objects contaminated with the virus. V103 Organic Virus Inhibitor contains a blend of specially selected organic essential oil It is safe to be use in childcare/elderly care centers, schools, offices, dormitories, food storage or preparation area. Does not contain harmful chemical, volatile solvents in the formulation. Note: **Do note that there will be minority that will have allergic reaction to plant oils (akin to people allergic to peanuts). Stop all use if itch and nausea occurs. Evacute the person to fresh air, seek medical assistance if irritation persists. Ref: Tisserand Institute https://tisserandinstitute.org/essential-oils-flu/ Table 6 Hot favourite for prevention of influenza. Key Features:
How to use: Candle lit Diffuser/ Electric Diffuser |
Description: For busy pest control technicians and agricultural farmers that require a low maintenance, reliable workhorse sprayer, mister, duster for wide coverage jobs. This mist sprayer is suitable for use in controlling pests and prevention of plant diseases. It can be used for applying herbicides, pesticide, epidemic prevention and control uses. Features:
Maintenance Note: Every sprayers require regular mainenence. Regular maintenance by rinising tank, plunger, unclogging sediment buildups in nozzle will increase the lifespan of the sprayer. |
Model: HP-0405 Body: U.V. stabilised P.E Description: Heavy duty, 5 ltr, professional sprayer, manufactured with high quality Viton seals for greater chemical resistance. The deep reinforced "end-cap" base prevents bottle damage and improves strength, stability and safety. The sprayer comes complete with a brass trigger and stainless steel lance and reinforced hose, complete with an adjustable brass nozzle for either fan or spray output. The body is made from industrial quality polyethylene, which is deemed as non-breakable, with a non-corroding plastic plunger. The body is also graduated for easy chemical dilution. Comes with adjustable, carry shoulder strap, which is comfortable and easy to use. Features:
Maintenance Note:: Every sprayers require regular mainenence. To extend the life of your sprayer, always remember to release pressure and uphold the nozzle and hose to ensure chemical return back to the tank after each application. Regular maintenance by rinising tank, plunger, unnlocking sediments buildup in nozzle will increase the lifespan of the sprayer. |
Model: HP-0405 Body: Stainless Steel SUS 304 Description: Heavy duty, 4 ltr, professional sprayer, manufactured with high quality Viton seals for greater chemical resistance. The sprayer comes complete with a brass trigger and stainless steel lance and reinforced hose, complete with an adjustable brass nozzle for either fan or spray output. The body, piston are made from stainless steel, which is excellent against harsh chemicals like pest control chemicals and oil. Comes with adjustable, carry shoulder strap, which is comfortable and easy to use. Features:
Maintenance Note:Every sprayers require regular mainenence. To extend the life of your sprayer, always remember to release pressure and uphold the nozzle and hose to ensure chemical return back to the tank after each application. Regular maintenance by rinising tank, plunger, unnlocking sediments buildup in nozzle will increase the lifespan of the sprayer. |
Model: HP-0416 Body: U.V. stabilised P.E Description: A lightweight (only 3.5kg), large capacity, multipurpose, effective large pressure sprayer for professional use and can conveniently be carried on your back. Features:
Understanding the use of this sprayer:
Maintenance Note: Every sprayers require regular mainenence. To extend the life of your sprayer, always remember to release pressure and uphold the nozzle and hose to ensure chemical return back to the tank after each application. Regular maintenance by rinising tank, plunger, unnlocking sediments buildup in nozzle will increase the lifespan of the sprayer.
Model: HS-0316 Body: Stainless Steel SUS 304 Description: A large capacity, multipurpose, effective large pressure sprayer for agriculture and industrial use and can conveniently be carried on your back. Features:
Understanding the use of this sprayer:
Maintenance Note: Every sprayers require regular mainenence. To extend the life of your sprayer, always remember to release pressure and uphold the nozzle and hose to ensure chemical return back to the tank after each application. Regular maintenance by rinising tank, plunger, unnlocking sediments buildup in nozzle will increase the lifespan of the sprayer. |
Model: EN-1055 Description: Enta Animal Flexi-snare Technical Specifications
Key Features:
** For guiding animals only |
Model: EM-146B
Description: Made of UV ray stabilized polycarbonate base with 36stainless steel spikes needle. Suitable for big stubborn, persistence birds like Mynas, Crows, Pigeons which are undeterred by human prescence. Features: EM-146B is made with corroson resistance stainless steel spikes. UV stabilised polycarbonate base is flexible and can be bend to conform to most contours. Birds cannot land without being spiked by the stainless steel needles. Ideal places to place the bird spikes could be steel, clay or canvas roof, steel/wood beams, girdles, parapets, canopies, water pipes, conduit, barns, tile, ledges, HVAC units top & bottom, tree branches, eaves, garages, window ledges, signs, warehouses. Note: Clean and sanitise surfaces prior to application.
Model: EN-3613S Technical Specifications Description: Insect Light Trap (Stainless Steel) This high performance set is made of stainless steel with proven large capture rate will keep your place in tip top condition. Stainless steel is easy to clean and maintain especially in "Zhi Char" eateries where oily smoke is an everyday occurence. Featuring this stainless steel set in your premises distinguish your company against others in keeping high hygiene standards. Remember, flies ruin business image. Key Features:
Suitable installation:
Model: EM-642 Technical Specifications
Description: BIRD LASERSONIC CHASER Features: This environment-friendly method will solve your pest bird problem without harm to humans and other creatures. Note: Food source must be kept away to ensure success.
Model: EM-41O Master Unit Slave Unit Description: SONIC ANIMALS AND BIRDS REPELLER will let you repel, deter, stop and get rid of nuisance birds and animal pests within a small compound. Features: 4-in-1 combination of Audible, Flash, Infrasound and Ultrasonic waves with irregularly oscillation is uniquely more effective than competitive single units. The constantly frequency sweeping feature reduces the possibility of certain bird species developing an immunity to such an unpleasant stimulus. This environment-friendly method will solve your pest bird problem without harm to humans and other creatures. Note: Food source must be kept away to ensure success |
Copyright © 2018 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EN-1053 Model: 1053M Description: ENTA ANIMAL HANDLING POLE Animal handling pole is used by animal control agencies, humane societies, zoos, veterinarians, and other professionals. Key Features:
Features:To rescue and restrain both domestic and wild animals. It is most widely used on dogs – from the smallest to the largest; however, it is used just as successfully on many other animals – in sizes from squirrels to boars. It is used also on reptiles and mammals – including snakes, monitor lizards, crocodiles, monkeys.... It is suitable to safely trap animals that are shy of entering steel trap cages. Suitable for catching animals for vaccination.
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA CATCH NET WITH POLE Copyright © 2018 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1052 Size: Description: ENTA CATCH NET WITH POLE Large stainless steel catch net suitable for catching cats, small dogs, monitor lizards, monkeys, long tailed cat, civet cats & racoons. Key Features:
Features: The catch net is a handy equipment suitable for humane handling of animals without endangering the animal or the trapper. It is suitable to safely trap animals that are shy of entering steel trap cages. Suitable for catching small animals for vaccination. Large hoop design makes it easy to catch animals without much aiming. |
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA RAT TAMPER RESISTANT **Snap Trap not included. Please purchase snap trap separately. Model: EM-170 Size: Colour: Black body with frosted transparent top Key Features:
Description: ENTA TAMPER RESISTANT RAT BAIT STATION After consultation with professional pest controllers, this rat station is design to save them valuable time and physcial demands during each inspection is greatly reduced. Techicians are less tired and happier after every inspection as they do not need to bend down to unlock each and every bait station unless it is activated. This trapping unit is capable of holding 1 snap trap at 90 degrees, offering rats a straight run through/line of sight. Following extensive trials and testing the internal entrance floor has been designed with a slope leading up to the trap treadle, eliminating the possibility of mice going underneath the Snap Trap kill bar. It prevents accidental capture of non-target species like kittens, birds and also keeps pets and children from accessing the bait placed inside the bait station. Comes with wall attachment to secure rat bait station to wall. Tamper Resistance Rat Bait Trap Other Rat Stations are also available in our store. Rat Snap Traps are available |
BAIT STATION **Glue Boards not included. Please purchase rat glue boards separately. Model: EM-171 Size: Colour: Black body with frosted transparent top Key Features:
Description: ENTA RAT BAIT STATION(GLUE TRAP) After consultation with professional pest controllers, this rat glue station is design to save them valuable time and physcial demands during each inspection is greatly reduced. Techicians are less tired and happier after every inspection as they do not need to bend down to unlock each and every bait station. It prevents accidental capture of non-target species like kittens, birds and also keeps pets and children from accessing the glue trap placed inside the bait station. Other Rat Stations are also available in our store. Rat Glue Traps are available |
ENTA SNAP-E RAT TRAP Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-128 Dimension: Description: ENTA Snap-E Rat trap. Snap-E Rat traps are easy to use and made to last. Use them year after year. They're safe, simple and sanitary. Steel and durable polystyrene materials make them tough. It has an easy ans safe setting that helps the finger from being accidentally caught. Smart engineering - including a larger trip paddle and strike bar - makes them work every time. Features:
Note: Not suitable for small mouse. Other Models available |
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA LONG ANIMAL TRAP Copyright © 2017 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EN-1801 Size: Material: Powder coated steel Description: ENTA LONG ANIMAL TRAP Long Animal Trap is designed for trapping long reptiles, small crocodiles and/or long tailed civet cats. Key Features:
Features: This trap features a sturdy frame that is constructed of heavy 3mm, 1 by 1 inch powder coated wire mesh reinforced with 5mm frame for extra support and reinforcement.
Click here for more animal traps!
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA COCKROACH GEL BAIT Order Model: 1335 Description: Cockroach Gel Bait. Cockroach Gel Bait is formulated to attract and kill cockroach species commonly found in Singapore. Cockroach species include German, American, Brown band cockroaches. Gel Bait is formulated to be simply irresistable to cockroaches and even bait shy cockroaches. Using only minute amount of nano boric acid as its active ingredient, this gel bait is safe to be use in kitchens, restaurants, home and pet areas. Of course, it is still better to keep it away from children and pets. Allows 48 to 72 hours to see the effect. Features:
For fuss free, easy clean application, use inconjunction with Pro Tips: Apply many bean size amount 10 to 15cm apart to cover wide area. Do not apply in big clump. Applying in big clump actually scares away the cockroaches. Do not spray insecticide near the gel bait. Spraying of insecticide will render the gel bait useless.
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA TAMPER RESISTANT Model: EM-4007 Size: Tamper Resistance Mouse Bait Trap Description: ENTA TAMPER RESISTANT MOUSE BAIT STATION ENTA Mouse Bait Station is a small profile mouse station suitable for housing rat poison bait block. It is also made of impact resistance plastic able to withstand destruction and weakening by weather. It prevents accidental capture of non-target species like kittens, birds and also keeps pets and children from accessing the bait placed inside the bait station. ENTA Mouse Bait Station is available in black to fit discreetly in any baiting environment. Key Features:
Other Rat Stations are also available in our store. Please click the following link to view others.
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA SLUG AND SNAIL TRAP (EM-114) Model: EM-114 Size: Description: ENTA SLUG AND SNAIL TRAP Enta Slug and snail trap control slugs & snails organically, without chemicals. Simply Dig a hole & set the trap into ground. Half fill with beer, lemonade or cabbage & soapy water. Slugs & snails will be irresistibly drawn to the beer or cabbage, crawl in, be trapped and stopped dead in their tracks. Just empty trap into the compost bin & reset to reuse. Key Features:
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA CROW LADDER TRAP Copyright © 2017 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Made in Singapore. Model: EM-193S Dimension: Dismantlement Size: Material: Painted steel Description: ENTA LADDER CROW TRAP is the most effective in crow-trapping techniques. Ladder traps are constructed to prevent unintentional catch of non-target species. If a non-target species is caught, it can be easily released without harm to the bird. Crows will observe other birds’ ease of entry and exit of the trap before attempting to eat the food inside the trap thus making this trap with the highest rate of trapping. A strategically set ladder trap will catch birds when other methods of control either won’t work or are impractical. Key Features:
Features: These traps are specifically designed so that the target species can enter by a narrow opening – the ladder – but cannot escape when they attempt to fly out. Note: The trap should be erected with the door fixed open and the roof sections off. The trap can then be baited; typically with bread, meat or eggs. Allowing the birds to fly in and out of the trap for a week or so will result in a greater success rate when the trap is set. Other Models available |
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA SQUIRREL TRAP Copyright © 2017 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1009 Size: Material: Powder coated steel Description: ENTA SQUIRREL TRAP Enta Squirrel Trap is suitable for trapping a variety of small sized animals such as squirrels, chipmunks, weasels, rats. Animals can enter both ways. This trap is also useful for trapping rats. Some rats may be more comfortable entering a larger trap. Key Features:
Features: This trap features a double action gravity door gate which closes once the trigger plate is stepped on. The sensitivy can be adjusted by adjustment of the trigger rod. Bait compartment makes it easy to place the bait. Door cannot be lifted up due to a spring catch. |
Copyright © 2017 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1007 Size: Material: Powder coated steel Description: ENTA MULTIPLE CATCH MOUSE TRAP Enta Squirrel Trap is suitable for trapping a multiple mice. . Key Features:
Features: This trap features a self closing trap door which closes once the mouse enters the cage. Great for catching multiple rats. Be sure to place plently of baits inside the cage and smear some onto the trap door. |
Copyright © 2017 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1016SS Size: Folded (Approx.) Material: Stainless Steel Description: ENTA MEDIUM ANIMAL TRAP (CAT/DOG/MONKEY TRAP) Medium Animal Trap suitable for trapping a variety of different sized animals both domestic and wild, such as monkeys, medium sized dogs, long tailed cats, civet cats, foxes, raccoons. This trap is also useful for trapping feral cats. Some cats may be more comfortable entering a larger trap. Key Features:
Features: This trap features a sturdy frame that is constructed of heavy 3mm, 1 by 1 inch stainless steel wire mesh reinforced with 5mm frame for extra support and reinforcement. A spring loaded, automatic locking door, securely and safely traps the animal inside the trap immediately after the animal pulls the trigger hook, located at the back of the trap. Our store carries Pre-assembled traps fixed with either
Assembly Video
Copyright © 2017 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1016 Size: Folded (Approx.) Material: Black Matt Powder Coated Steel Description: ENTA MEDIUM ANIMAL TRAP (CAT/DOG/MONKEY TRAP) Medium Animal Trap suitable for trapping a variety of different sized animals both domestic and wild, such as monkeys, medium sized dogs, long tailed cats, civet cats, foxes, raccoons. This trap is also useful for trapping feral cats. Some cats may be more comfortable entering a larger trap. Key Features:
Features: This trap features a sturdy frame that is constructed of heavy 3mm, 1 by 1 inch steel wire mesh reinforced with 5mm frame for extra support and reinforcement. A spring loaded, automatic locking door, securely and safely traps the animal inside the trap immediately after the animal pulls the trigger hook, located at the back of the trap. Our store carries Pre-assembled traps fixed with either
Assembly Video
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA MEDIUM TRANSFER CAGE Copyright © 2017 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1016SSTC Size: Folded (Approx.) Material: Stainless Steel Description: ENTA MEDIUM TRANSFER CAGE Medium transfer cage is compatible with EM-1016 & EM-1016SS. Key Features:
Features: The traps feature a sturdy frame that is constructed of heavy 3mm, 1 by 1 inch steel wire mesh reinforced with sturdy frame for extra suppor. |
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA BIRD CHASER (EN-3626) Model: EN-3626 Size: Description: ENTA BIRD CHASER (EN-3626) Effective visual and sensory deterrent that combines the repelling effect of highly reflective holographic film and bird irritant repellent to abate birds from a structure. Key Features:
Features: A simple hanging device to modify bird's behaviour and avoid a certain area. Holographic images flash dramatically in the sunlight as the visual scarer rotates in the wind. Holographic image creates moving reflection which frightens and deters bird. Bird repellent sachet contains bird sensory irritant. Irritation of the trigeminal nerve by bird irritant causes a reflexive avoidance response in birds. Fright + Aversion = Avoidance of targetted structure Sight of the moving holographic film causes a fright response and exposure to the repellent causes an aversion response, When the bird forms an association between the two undesirable responses it will strongly avoid the place. When the two responses are continuously reinforced, birds will learn to avoid the place diligently. Even if the bird repellent is depleted, the holographic film alone will still be more effective than if the holographic film and repellent combination had not been used to modify the behavior of the bird. Pros's Tips: Every flock of birds has a leader bird. After the inital abatement of birds from the area, the leader bird may return ocassionally to assess the area for suitability of return. It is necessary to reinforce the fright response of the bird by means of the sensory irritant for a longer period of time. Bird deterrent have been tested to work on non-food area only. At their usual food source, bird will be willinging to risk fright and endure repellent effect. Other bird scarer, traps and deterrents are also available in our store. |
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA SOLAR BIRD CHASER (EN-3627) Model: EN-3627 Size: Description: ENTA SOLAR BIRD CHASER (EN-3627) Effective visual and sensory deterrent that combines the repelling effect of highly reflective holographic film and bird irritant repellent to abate birds from a structure. Key Features:
Features: Self rotating device powered by solar energy to create holographic images that flash dramatically in the sunlight. Holographic image creates moving reflection which frightens and deters bird. Bird repellent sachet contains bird sensory irritant. Irritation of the trigeminal nerve by bird irritant causes a reflexive avoidance response in birds. Fright + Aversion = Avoidance of targetted structure Sight of the moving holographic film causes a fright response and exposure to the repellent causes an aversion response, When the bird forms an association between the two undesirable responses it will strongly avoid the place. When the two responses are continuously reinforced, birds will learn to avoid the place diligently. Even if the bird repellent is depleted, the holographic film alone will still be more effective than if the holographic film and repellent combination had not been used to modify the behavior of the bird. Pros's Tips: Every flock of birds has a leader bird. After the inital abatement of birds from the area, the leader bird may return ocassionally to assess the area for suitability of return. It is necessary to reinforce the fright response of the bird by means of the sensory irritant for a longer period of time. Bird deterrent have been tested to work on non-food area only. At their usual food source, bird will be willinging to risk fright and endure repellent effect. Other bird scarer, traps and deterrents are also available in our store. |
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA BAIT TRAY(PLASTIC) (EM-183P) Model: EM-183P Size: Features: Simple plastic bait trays (poison labelled) to house block/pellet/granule & liquid baits. Pros's Tips: Always use containers that display promiment warning signs to house pesticide. Do not use in areas exposed to children and pets. Other Bait trays are also available in our store. |
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA REPLACEMENT TUBES, STARTERS, GLUE BOARDS & PARTS Description: ENTA INSECT KILLER, FLYING GLUE TRAP ACCESSORIES Widest range of insect killer UV tubes, glue boards, parts and accessories for sale. You get MORE value buying from us. Key Features:
Flying Glue Traps & Insect Killers are available in our store. |
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA RAT GLUE TRAY LARGE (EN-1112) Suitable for use with Model: EM-1112 Description: ENTA RAT GLUE TRAY LARGE ENTA Rat Glue tray (large) are conveniently packed in 12pcs pack. Suitable for use with Pest-Gone Rodent Glue. Size: Key Features:
Note: Suitable Rat Stations are also available in our store. Other sizes, Rat Glue bait trays available |
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA RAT STATION (EM-205A/205P) Model: EM-205A/ EM-205P Size: Description: ENTA RAT STATION (EM-205A/P) ENTA Rat Stations (EM-205 series) are designed to house large glue traps or 2 piece of medium glue traps to increase catch rate. Key Features:
Other Rat Stations are also available in our store. Please click the following link to view others. Note: |
Model: EN-1110 Size: Features: Economical Rat Glue Tray Traps with slow drying, high strength adhesive. Scented attractant for higher catch rate. Rats that crawl on this Glue Trap will be stuck to the slow drying glue. Precaution: Always use glue traps with Rat trap holder or Rat Bait Station to prevent accidental capture of kittens and birds. Other Rat Traps are also available in our store. Other Rat Stations are also available in our store. Please click the following link to view others.
**NEW PACKING** ENTA RAT/MOUSE GLUE TRAP (EN-1119) Model: EN-1119 Size: Features: Economical Rat Glue Tray Traps with slow drying, high strength adhesive. Scented attractant for higher catch rate. Rats that crawl on this Glue Trap will be stuck to the slow drying glue. Precaution: Always use glue traps with Rat trap holder or Rat Bait Station to prevent accidental capture of kittens and birds. Other Rat Traps are also available in our store. Please click the following link to view others. Other Rat Stations are also available in our store. |
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA RAT/MOUSE TRAP (EM-1005) Model: EM-1005 Size: Description: ENTA RAT/MOUSE TRAP (EM-1005) ENTA Rat/Mouse Trap (EM-1005) is a no frills, simple and effective trap. The way we like it, cheap, simple, good! Buy a DOZEN to effectively remove rodent infestation! Key Features:
Other Rat Traps are also available in our store. |
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA RAT TAMPER RESISTANT Model: EM-120 Size: Tamper Resistance Rat Bait Trap Description: ENTA TAMPER RESISTANT RAT BAIT STATION ENTA Rat Bait Station is a smaller profile rat station similar to EM-123. It is also made of impact resistance plastic able to withstand destruction and weakening by weather. It prevents accidental capture of non-target species like kittens, birds and also keeps pets and children from accessing the bait placed inside the bait station. ENTA Rat Bait Station (EM-120) measures approx. 220mm x 185mm x 95mm (L x B x H) and is available in black to fit discreetly in any baiting environment. Comes with wall attachment to secure rat bait station to wall. Key Features:
FLEXIBILITY ENTA Rat Bait Station let the applicator choose how he wants to trap the rodent. It can be fitted with rat glue board and/or rat blocks or pellets, giving applicator the options to determine what is the best way to trap the rodents.
Other Rat Stations are also available in our store. Rat Glue Refills available Please click the following link to view others.
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA RAT GLUE TRAY REFILLS (EM-1108) Model: EM-1108 Description: ENTA RAT GLUE TRAY REFILLS ENTA Rat Glue tray refills are to be use with Rat Glue station EM-120. Strong powerful adhesive that stop rats instantly. Not all glue tray traps are create equal. Why do some rats perpetually able to escape from other glue traps but not our? Key Features:
Note: Other Rat Stations are also available in our store. Other sizes, Rat Glue bait trays available Please click the following link to view others.
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA INSECT LIGHT GLUE TRAP Copyright © 2017 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-3710 Size: Description: ENTA INSECT LIGHT GLUE TRAP FLIP UP Insect Light Glue Trap designed for wall mounting, Countertop or portable use. Key Features:
Features: 2 x 15 watts of Shatterproof, BL light lamps for maximum attraction and safety. Specially UV resistant glues capture the smallest to large insects intact for easy identification. Flip up design allows glue boards to be easily replaced. Tubes are attached to the frontal flip up plate, allowing speedier changing of glueboards and easier to clean. Glue Board: Standard full size (black) for sensitive accounts and density counts or HACCP audits, Applications:
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA INSECT LIGHT GLUE TRAP Copyright © 2017 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-3716 Size: Description: ENTA INSECT LIGHT GLUE TRAP UP THROW Insect Light Glue Trap designed for wall mounting with UV light directed upwards.. Key Features:
Features: 2 x 15 watts of Shatterproof, BL light lamps for maximum attraction and safety. Specially UV resistant glues capture the smallest to large insects intact for easy identification. UP THROW design allows UV lights to be projected upwards making it a more discreet design. Glue Board: Standard full size (black) for sensitive accounts and density counts or HACCP audits, Applications:
Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EN-122S Description: ENTA Pest-Gone Rodent Glue Trap. OUTDOOR, economical slow drying rat glue specially formulated to trap all kind of rats big and small. Made with natural resin gum and special scented attractant to lure rodents. Features: Note: Contain natural rubber smell which may be offensive to people with sensitive senses. Please practice "Responsible use of glue traps". Always use Rat Station to house the glueboards to avoid trapping of kittens, birds and other non-target animals. Self-made glueboards should not exceed the size of large sewer rats. Non-target animal caught in the trap must be released unharmed and have the glue removed from its body with cooking or baby oil. Other Rat Traps available
Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EN-122 Description: ENTA Pest-Gone Odourless Rodent Glue Trap. INDOOR, economical slow drying rat glue specially formulated to trap all kind of rats big and small. Made with resin gum and special scented attractant to lure rodents. Features: Usage: Note: People with sensitive senses may still pick up faint smell. Please practice "Responsible use of glue traps". Always use Rat Station to house the glueboards to avoid trapping of kittens, birds and other non-target animals. Self-made glueboards should not exceed the size of large sewer rats. Non-target animal caught in the trap must be released unharmed and have the glue removed from its body with cooking or baby oil. Other Rat Traps available |
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA INSECT LIGHT GLUE TRAP Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-3730s Size: Description: ENTA INSECT LIGHT GLUE TRAP COMMERCIAL GRADE Insect Light Glue Trap Stainless steel throughout for extra protection. Key Features:
Features: 2 x 15 watts of Shatterproof, BL light lamps for maximum attraction and safety. Specialty UV resistant glues capture the smallest to large insects intact for easy identification. Glue Board: Standard full size (black) for sensitive accounts and density counts or HACCP audits, Slim line design hugs the wall with stainless steel metal construction for years of service. Applications:
Click here for more Insect Light Traps!
**NEW PRODUCTS** PHILIPS SHATTERPROOF ACTINIC BL Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: PHILIPS Special ACTINIC BL, 15W Secura, TL-D
Description: Philips Shatterproof Actinic BL With an optimized spectrum matching the eye sensitivity of the housefly, Actinic BL TL-D Secura lamps are perfect for attracting insects. They have virtually no UV-B output, and so are perfectly safe. Good for food preparation areas and meet strict HACCP requirements. Key Features:
Features: Special "Secura" sleeve that keeps all glass and components together in the case of accidental breakage. This eliminates the risk of glass splinters showering down on food preparation areas, and that is why it meets the strict HACCP requirements. With the lowest mercury content in the industry and being 100% lead-free, these lamps represent a very good environmental choice. |
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA CATCH NET WITH POLE Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1052 Size: Description: ENTA CATCH NET WITH POLE Large stainless steel catch net suitable for catching cats, small dogs, monitor lizards, monkeys, long tailed cat, civet cats & racoons. Key Features:
Features: The catch net is a handy equipment suitable for humane handling of animals without endangering the animal or the trapper. It is suitable to safely trap animals that are shy of entering steel trap cages. Suitable for catching small animals for vaccination. Large hoop design makes it easy to catch animals without much aiming. |
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA LARGE ANIMAL TRAP Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1035 Size: Folded (Approx.) Grid 1" x 2" Weight: 27kg Description: ENTA LARGE ANIMAL TRAP Large Animal Trap suitable for trapping a variety of different sized animals both domestic and wild, such as large dogs, monitor lizards, monkeys, long tailed cat, civet cats. Key Features:
Features: The traps feature a sturdy frame that is constructed of heavy 3mm steel wire mesh reinforced with 8mm steel rod for extra support and reinforcement. A spring loaded, automatic locking V-door, securely and safely traps the animal inside the trap immediately after the animal steps onto the trip pan, located at the back of the trap. 1 by 1 inch wire mesh openings are welded to the bait area to prevent animals from reaching inside the bait area. Heavy reinforcement of the trap door prohibit animals from forcing the door open, ground pegs are included to prevent animals from rolling the trap over. Scratch plates are provided under the safety handles of the trap, to protect the trapper against scratches from the trapped animal. (Some of customers enquired for bigger traps, bigger than our dog trap EM-1021. Here is our response to your request!) Assembly Instruction Video
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA LARGE ANIMAL TRAP STAINLESS STEEL Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1035 Size: Folded (Approx.) Grid 1" x 2" Weight: 27kg Description: ENTA LARGE ANIMAL TRAP SS Large stainless steel animal Trap suitable for trapping a variety of different sized animals both domestic and wild, such as large dogs, monitor lizards, monkeys, long tailed cat, civet cats. Key Features:
Features: The traps feature a sturdy frame that is constructed of heavy 3mm stainless steel wire mesh reinforced with 8mm stainless steel rod for extra support and reinforcement. A spring loaded, automatic locking V-door, securely and safely traps the animal inside the trap immediately after the animal steps onto the trip pan, located at the back of the trap. 1 by 1 inch wire mesh openings are welded to the bait area to prevent animals from reaching inside the bait area. Heavy reinforcement of the trap door prohibit animals from forcing the door open, ground pegs are included to prevent animals from rolling the trap over. Scratch plates are provided under the safety handles of the trap, to protect the trapper against scratches from the trapped animal. (Some of customers enquired about large stainless steel trap for trapping large feral dogs and larger wildlife. Here is our response to your request!) |
**NEW PRODUCTS** ENTA MEDIUM SNAKE TRAP FOR SNAKES UP TILL 5 metres Model: EN-1907 Length: 1220mm Description: This trap is designed and constructed for trapping medium size snake in mind. Suitable for pythons, cobras, vipers, water moccasins, rattlesnakes & copperheads. Key Features:
Features: EM-1907 uses the flipping gate design entrance which snakes can enter but not exit. Flipping gates are located at both ends of the trap to allow snake entry from either ends. You can bait it with live frog, mouse or eggs, but generally if the traps are placed right, it can catch snakes on its own as snakes are channelled into the trap. Allows thick snakes like water moccasins, pythons or rattle snakes to enter. Ideal places to set the trap should be along a fence, a wall, sides of a pond or stream, against a structure like a house or shed which can channel snakes into the trap.. Release door located at the top of the trap for easy removal of snakes. Note: After setting trap, it is important to check the trap daily for any trapped creatures. Always provide food, water and shelter for any creatures held in captivity. |
Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Made in Singapore. Model: EN-1096 Content: 150ml (Family Size) Description: ENTA PEST-GONE INSECT REPELLENT ENTA Pest-Gone insect repellent provides quick protection against mosquitoes and other biting insects. Feels great on your skin, non-greasy and spraying a bit goes a long way in protection. Kids and elderly safe. Features: Pest-Gone insect repellent is blended with several potent plant essential oil to give our user effective protection yet pleasant experience when wearing our insect repellant. Key Features:
Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Made in Singapore. Model: EN-1096 (Refill) Weight: 1 Litre & 4 Litres (Refill Pack) Description: ENTA PEST-GONE INSECT REPELLENT (Refill) ENTA Pest-Gone insect repellent (Refill) provides economical refills to your existing insect repellent. It has the same repellent properties as the 150ml family repellent packing Buy big bottle to save cost! Big bulk refill packing is suitable for big groups like security guards, construction workers, army personnels, nurses, students etc.
Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Made in Singapore. Model: EN-1097 Content: 1 Sachet (Effective up to 30 days) Description: ENTA PEST-GONE INSECT REPELLENT ENTA Pest-Gone insect repellent sachet is easy to formulated with therapeutic grade essential oil that actively repel pest! Simply hang the sachet at the window, air-con unit inlet, grill behind the fan and enjoy the protection. Features: Pest-Gone insect repellent can be use for protection in small enclose room Key Features:
Note: Avoid strong UV rays or direct sunlight to sachet as essential oil degrades rapidly under strong UV light. |
Model: EN-1106 This special blend is specially formulated to kill and repel Aedes, Culex, Anopheles, most species of mosquitoes and also various flying and crawling insects. It has anti-viral, anti fungal properties as well as being an antidepressant. Key Features:
How to use: Thermal Aroma Diffuser Candle lit Diffuser Q: What is the difference between Enta's Bio-pesticide oil and fragrances? Q: Why is the product so expensive? Q: How to know whether your product is pure and worth your every cent? Q: How does Enta's Bio-pesticide oil compared to mosquito repellent liquid vaporizer? We would recommend to people to use the more natural way where elderly and children are present. |
**HOT PRODUCTS** ENTA ORGANIC MOSQUITO CHASER Model: EM-99M Unleash aromatic molecules of Organic Moqsuito Chaser into the ambient air. These airborne aromatic molecules are highly repulsive to anthropods. Mosquitoes take immediate evasive action as soon as the aromatic molecules diffuse in the air. Keep invasive mosquitoes at bay with organic mosquito chaser. ENTA Organic Mosquito Chaser is a clear liquid. It is safe to be use in schools, dormitories, food storage or preparation area. Does not contain harmful chemical chemical pesticides, volatile solvents in the formulation. Hot favourite among previous dengue patients. Key Features:
How to use: Candle lit Diffuser |
**HOT PRODUCTS** ENTA NATURAL INSECTICIDE Model: EM-198N Enta Natural Insecticide is formulated for use with thermal fogger. ENTA Natural insecticide is a clear liquid. It is safe to be use in schools, dormitories, food storage or preparation area. Does not contain harmful chemical chemical pesticides, volatile solvents in the formulation. Why wait for people to fog your home. Take control of your own protection. Do it yourself! Key Features:
**HOT PRODUCTS** Mosquito Racket/ Bug Zapper (EM-404)Mosquitoes & flies buzzing around is irritating and may be harmful as it can transmit deadly virus like Dengue,Zika, Chikungunya and others. Now you can retaliate with our latest "Mosquito Racket"/ "Bug Zapper". This handy and simply tool is excellent for killing them. Simply swing the racket at your target and the mosquito or insect would be killed instantly upon contact with the mesh by the surge of electrical current rushing into their bodies. You don't have to be a marksman to get them. The large surface mesh area of the racket is designed for a easy sure hit. This new version comes with a protective mesh to prevent accidental contact. This is especially useful when using around children. Suitable for housefiles and other biting insects also. Not harmful to human when use in accordance to instruction. Power Requirement: 2 X AA batteries (Not Included) Safety Note:
Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1048 Dimension: L813 x W279 x H330 mm Description: ENTA Gravity Door Cat Trap is specially designed for Cat Lovers to humanely trap cats. Features: Gravity Trap door, door close gently without harming the cat. "Step on" plate to activate gravity door. Collapsible for easy storage. In addition, the door slamming action frightens our feline friends and start to ram against the cage frantically to escape. As a result, they got hurt. This new cat trap design eliminates these problems.)
Other Models available
Model: EM-149K Content: 2 sizes available. Approx. 1 & 4 Litre Description: Mix with water and spray at designated area. Suitable for Mynas, Pigeons and sparrows. Features: BIRDKING EM-149K is a concentrated formulaton to be diluted with water and spray at places to control birds. BIRDKING EM-149K formulation act as chemosensory repellents by irritating pain receptors associated with taste and smell. It is found to be a highly effective bird aversion agent. BIRDKING EM-149K is made from naturally occurring GRAS (generally recognized as safe) listed compound used as a food flavoring and fragrance additive and thus safe to be used on food crops like wheat, rice, cabbage, onions, lettuce, maize, fruit trees like grape, apple, pears and cherries. Commercial, Institutional and Warehousing Establishments (including computer facilities, food/feed processing plants, hospitals, hotels, laboratories, motels, nursing homes, pet shops, restaurants, schools, supermarkets, warehouses and zoos), Residences and Transportation housing area like docks, bus stations, train stations. Note: Reapplication is necessary after heavy rain. Application Video
**NEW** ENTA LARVAE COLLECTION KIT Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Description: ENTA Larvae Collection Kit This kit is a collection of handy tools necessary for a thorough inspection and sampling of mosquito larvae and pupae. Kit contains;
**Telescopic Larvae dipper sold separately.
**NEW** ENTA STAINLESS STEEL MANHOLE/IC KEY Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Dimension: Description: ENTA Stainless Steel Manhole/IC key. Lift up Manhole/ Inspection Chamber covers easily and effortlessly. Opening up multiple Manholes & Inspection Chambers can be quite tiring. Now you can finish the job faster with this handy tool. Features:
Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EN-3623 Dimension: Description: ENTA Mosquito/ Flying Insect Box Trap. This trap is suitable for localised trapping of mosquitoes, flying insects using sticky pads. Insects will be attracted to the glue pad and once enter the trap, it will be trapped in the UV resistance sticky glue pad. Features:
Note: Trap contains 1 set of sticky pad only. |
Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-3601 Dimension: Description: ENTA Fruit Fly Trap. This trap is suitable for localised trapping of insect using food or pheromone attractant. Flies will be attracted to the lure, enters the trap and could not escape. Features:
Note: Trap sold without pheromone. |
Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-3602 Dimension: Description: ENTA Bucket Funnel/ Fly Trap. This trap is suitable for mass trapping or monitering of insect population with pheromone or food lure. The funnel design allows insect easy access into the trap but could not get out. Hang several 5 to 20 traps for mass trapping depending on the nature of the infestation. Features:
Note: Trap sold without pheromone. |
Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-3603 Dimension: Description: ENTA Fly Bag/Fly Trap. This fly catcher is designed to control the fly population in a ecologically and inexpensive way. The flies are attracted to the catcher by the bait and when inside the trap they cannot escape and die from drowning and not from poisoning. Features:
Note: Trap sold with a pack of bait. |
Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-148 Dimension: Description: ENTA Automatic Mousetrap. Easy to bait, set and release Features: Operates without the use of harmful chemicals, making it safe to use around children and pets. It is efficient, often capturing several mice in one setting! Note: Not suitable for large rats Other Models available |
Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-127B Description: ENTA Tip Trap Mousetrap. This handy mouse trap is suitable for small mouse. Features:
Note: Not suitable for large rats. Set on paper towel to prevent trap door slipping. Other Models available |
Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-127 Dimension: Description: ENTA Snap-E Mousetrap. Snap-E Mousetraps are easy to use and made to last. Use them year after year. They're safe, simple and sanitary. Steel and durable polystyrene materials make them tough. It has an easy ans safe setting that helps the finger from being accidentally caught. Smart engineering - including a larger trip paddle and strike bar - makes them work every time. Features:
Note: Not suitable for large rats. Other Models available |
Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-10178 Dimension: Description: ENTA Snap-Jaw Mousetrap. Snap-Jaw Mousetraps are easy to use. Just pull the handle back till it lock and it is ready to use. The jaws are position at 90 degree, closes much faster than 180 degree traps. The release bar is positioned such you don't need to touch the dead mouse. Features:
Other Models available |
Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Model: EM-1043 Dimension: Description: ENTA Traditional Wooden Snap trap. Traditional snap traps are powerful and will trigger with the slightest touch to the bait handle. Constructed with big wooden base and strong springs, to kill and to control rats. They are an effective method of elimination, specially when the quantity of rodents is not big in a building or house. Strong powerful spring kills the rat when caught. Features:
Note: Watch out for the spring bar as it will give a nasty blue black if your fingers are caught in it. Other Models available |
Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Made in Singapore. Model: EM-169 Weight: 1kg Description: ENTA ANT & INSECT POWDER ENTA Ant & Insect Killer Powder is an effective general purpose insect powder for home and garden use. Features: Ant & Insect Killer Powder is designed to be safe to use in and around the home and to effectively kill ants and other crawling insects. This product :
For Indoor application, use inconjunction with |
**NEW** ENTA ANT GEL BAIT Copyright © 2016 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Made in Singapore. Model: 121-C Content: Approx. 20g Description: ENTA Ant Gel Bait. Enta Ant Gel Bait attracts and kills all common household ants. The liquid gel ant is slow acting allowing worker ants to consume the product and carry the liquid back to the nest to deliver a dose to the rest of the colony. Fast acting contact poison often fail to control ant colony as sick ants are not allowed to return to the nest. As the gel could not reach its Queen, the Queen will continue to churn out eggs at a rate faster than the death of the worker ants. Complete control may take up to two weeks. Features: Slow Kill For fuss free, easy clean application, use inconjunction with |
Model: EM-134S/EM-134B Description: ENTA Gel Bait Station offers fuss free, easy holder for the liquid gel bait without staining or cleaning. Simply dispose away the Gel bait station once it get dirty. Features: To be use inconjunction with |
Model: EM-121B Description: ENTA ANT Bait Station is placed out doors by simply sticking it in the ground, or indoors by inserting it into the soil of planters. Place wherever foraging ants are causing a problem - around homes, buildings, near shrubs, trees, flower beds or planter boxes. The foraging ants enter the Ant Bait Station and take the bait from on of two compartments back to the nest. You eliminate the foraging ant problem by eliminating the heart of the problem - the nest. Features: Can be use inconjunction with |
Copyright © 2015 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Made in Singapore. Model: EM-1025SL Dimension: Description: ENTA Stainless Steel Cat Trap with Lock. This handy cat trap now comes with locking device. Features: Slam shut door with key system to prevent unauthorise release of trapped cats. Trappers often return to find their traps tampered. The baits are consumed while the cats are released. Now, we have enhanced the trap with slam shut door c/w Key system to prevent unauthorised release of cats. The best cat trap for spaying or neutering. Note: Trappers should check the trap frequently (Every 2 hours) for trapping. Trapped cats should not be left in the cage for prolong period as it causes undue stress to the animal. Other Models available |
**NEW** ENTA BIRD SCARE Model: EM-613 Size (Approx):
H13 inches (330mm) Description: ENTA HUNTING EAGLE. Upon sight of a Eagle, smaller birds usually fly away to escape becoming the prey. Features: Realistic Eagle with glassy eyes sitting on a perch searching for prey Note: Displace bird scare occasionally so that birds do not get use to its presence. Other Models available For Enhance effectiveness, use inconjunction with |
Model: EM-614 Wing Span: Approx 3 ft (914mm) Description: ENTA WING OWL is modelled after real owls in hunting position, scaring birds away from your premises. Upon sight of this flapping winged owl, pigeons, sparrows, Mynas freak out and fly away frantically. For large premises, install more owls. Features: Large extendable wings that moves with wind breeze delivering maximium realism. Foldable wing design allowing it to be easily stored. Note: Displace owl occasionally so that birds do not get use to its presence. Other Models available For Enhance effectiveness, use inconjunction with |
Model: EM-615 Size (Approx):
H15 inches (380mm) Description: ENTA HUNTING OWL is modelled after real owls in perching position, scaring birds away from your premises. Upon sight of this rotating head owl, pigeons, sparrows, Mynas will avoid the area and fly away. For large premises, install more owls. Features: Rotating head that swivels, mimicing owl on prowl looking for prey. Note: Displace owl occasionally so that birds do not get use to its presence. Other Models available For Enhance Repellent, use inconjunction with |
**NEW** ENTA BIRD SCARE Model: EM-613 Size (Approx):
H16 inches (410mm) Description: ENTA HUNTING FALCON. Upon sight of a Falcon, smaller birds usually fly away to escape becoming the prey. Features: Realistic Falcon with glassy eyes sitting on a perch searching for prey Note: Displace bird scare occasionally so that birds do not get use to its presence. Other Models available For Enhance effectiveness, use inconjunction with
Copyright © 2015 by Enta Manufacture Industries. All rights Reserved. Made in Singapore. Model: EM-1019 Dimension: L350 x W135 x H390 mm Description: ENTA SINGLE CATCH BIRD TRAP is designed for single catch of bird. Each trap can contain 1 bird. This bird trap is suitable for those who wish to get rid of irritating bird that frequent your premises. It features a fast action drop down trap door. City birds are a potential health risk to humans: they nest in the roofs of houses and trees where accumulated droppings and mites provide ideal conditions for disease. Features: Fast action drop down trap door. Easy to use trap. Rear release trap door. Note: Use the food preferred by that species of bird to increase chance of catching. Sprinkle grains around and inside the trap few days prior to setting the trap. This will lower birds suspicion and entice them to the trap. Usage Instructions
Other Models available |
Model: EN-200 Size (Approx): Description: EN-200 Rat Station Holder is designed specially to ease Pest Control Operators storage & handling problems. Rat Bait station are often bulky and occupies too much space in the vehicle. This new Rat Station Holder is designed to save space and also prevent accidental capture of birds or kittens. Features: Fit both Rat glue board (EN-9801) or Scissors Spring Rat Trap (EM-1013) Light weight and foldable for easy storage. Economical
**NEW** RAT TRAP (DOUBLE DOOR) Model: EM-1014 Size (Approx): Description: Step-on Spring trap. Features: Highly sensitive trap. The flat profile compact cage design is suitable to place in between suspended ceiling boards, underneath kitchen equipments & tight space. Double door design is excellent for along walls. Rats will dash across cage and get caught. For trapping intelligent, shy and diffcult rats! Note: This trap requires experienced hands to set. Usage Instructions |
**NEW** RAT TRAP (LOW PROFILE) Model: EM-1015 Size (Approx): Description: Black wire hook type trap. Features: Special size. Low profile trap to place in between ceiling boards, underneath kitchen equipments & tight space. |
**NEW** ANIMAL TRAP (Medium + size)
Model: EM-1021 Size (Approx): Description: EM-1021 is Suitable for large Feral Cat, Dog, Civet Cat and Monkey. Features: Front entry spring loaded door with rear liftup sliding door for easy release or transfer of animal from one cage to another. Collapsible for easy storage.
Model: EN-1906 Pole Length (Tip to Tip): 1050mm Description: This snake bag is designed and constructed by a professional snake relocator for rescuing/relocating snakes in a easy, quick & safe manner. This is especially important when dealing with venomous snakes. Features: EN-1906 is made of tough dark coloured cotton fabric and sewed with industrial thread to prevent snakes from escaping. The dark coloured fabrics calm and attract snakes into the bag without much assistance. The stainless steel handle with WIDE penta shaped mouth opening and is the largest in the industy. It allows the handler a much easier time to get the snake into the bag. The penta shaped design works great at corners and along walls making it the easiest and safest to use. Made of high quality stainless steel, making it easier to clean and you may only need to buy one in your lifetime as it is built to last. The Snake bag has a quick tie drawstring design and coupled with a lockable zip at the end making the entire bagging process easy, quick & safe. This is especially important when dealing with venomous snake. Note: Always use the right equipment/tool to prevent unnecessary injuries to yourself and the snake. |
Model: EM-165 Capacity (ml): 500ml Description: Enta Spider Eliminator water based formulation forms a thin coating on the wall making it impossible for spider it to attach to the surface thus preventing spiders from climbing. Our formulation also neutralizes and breaks down the spider's web attachment points, making web removal easy. It leaves a residual coating that continues to repel spider and inhibit a spider’s web adhesive properties, discouraging spider entry and web reformation for months. Suitable for: Treatment of Spider. Features: Enta Spider Eliminator is a ready to use product designed to eliminate spiders and prevents spider webs on any surface, plants that may support spider web development. Non-toxic to people, pets, plants, and crops when used as directed. Enta Spider Eliminator is safe for use in food processing plants, restaurants, schools and nurseries. Enta Spider Eliminator can be applied on most surfaces like wood, painted surfaces, vinyl, brick, stucco, fiberglass, sheet metal, concrete and masonry without staining. **Please note that cobwebs are formed as a result of airborne lint and dust gathering on the sticky thread formed from the spider glands. Although our product is non-staining, airbone lint and dust upon contact with liquid tends to form grey to dark patches on walls after it dries out. Thus it is highly recommended to clean and vacuum the area before application of Enta Spider Eliminator. Also in the Series |
Model: EM-182 Body: Heavy Duty Rubber Description: Professional puffer/ bulb duster to apply any kinds of insecticidal, pesticidal dust/ powder/ diatomaceous earth (DE) cleanly without creating a mess. Suitable for: Treatment of Termite/ Bed bug/ Cockroach/ Ant/ Flea/ Spider/ Silverfish and many more using dust/ powder/ diatomaceous earth. Features: Made from rugged heavy duty rubber suitable for years of repeated usage. Comes with 18.5cm extension for diffcult to reach areas. Special internal powder chamber allowing constant powder flow regardless of how you tilt the bulb when dusting. Refilling is made easy with diameter 25mm wide opening secured with robust aluminium screw capping. |
Model: EM-1104G Weight: Approx. 500g bottle Description: A biodegradable granular material derived from plant fiber infused with natural plant oils to repel rodents from approaching. The repellent effect remains effective up to 4 weeks when correctly used. It has a natural peppermint and woody flavor which rats will avoid. Naphthalene free! Features: Natural rat Repellent GL works by interfering with rat's olfactory senses. Air enters the rat's nostrils and flows past its smell receptors. Here are olfactory neurons, which are tipped with little hair-like cilia that project into a thin bath of mucus at the cell surface. Odor particles triggers a neural response that shoots up to the brain. Our special blend of natural plant oils triggers a repulsive response to the rodent brain to flee from the area. DOES NOT contain Anti-coagulants nor poison. Unpalatable product reducing the risk of pet poisioning or ingestion by kids, making it an effective and safe way to control rats without worries. |
**NEW** ENTA RAT TAMPER RESISTANT ENTA Rat Bait Station is made of impact resistance plastic able to withstand destruction and weakening by weather. It prevents accidental capture of non-target species like kittens, birds and also keeps pets and children from accessing the bait placed inside the bait station. ENTA Rat Bait Station measures approx. 305mm x 265mm x 95mm (L x B x H) and is available in black to fit discreetly in any baiting environment. FLEXIBILITY ENTA Rat Bait Station let the applicator choose the method he wants to trap the rodent. It can be used with rat glue board and also rat blocks or pellets, giving applicator the option to determine the best way to trap the rodents. |
**NEW** ANTI DF-CF MOSQUITO OIL / BIO-PESTICIDE OIL DF- Dengue Fever * CF- Chikungunya Fever This Product is specially formulated to kill Aedes, Culex, Anopheles and other species of mosquitoes. It also has anti-viral & anti fungal properties and can kill 99% air-borne diseases. Mosquito bio-pesticide utilizes natural plant extracts that has a very powerful effect on mosquitoes but harmless to humans, babies and pets. By using an oil burner, aromatic molecules is released to the surrounding air within the room. These airborne aromatic molecules are highly repulsive to arthropods. Mosquito upon contact with the aromatic molecules will try to escape while those trapped within the room will usually fall dead near walls or curtains. Electric Oil vaporizer could also be used to release the natural scent. Regular usage will purge all blood-seeking mosquitoes from the house and keep new invaders at bay. Method:
Scientific researchers have written that this bio-pesticide oil is anti-viral and could kill airborne diseases like common cold and flu (influenza). ** Disclaimer: |
**NEW** I-ULTRA COMPACT STAINLESS STEEL LARVA DIPPER / SCOOP (Professional Series) MODEL: TELE-2 The I-Ultra Larva Dipper / Scoop is an extendable telescopic device used to scoop water effortlessly at difficult to reach places. The telescopic rod is extendable from 19cm up to 105cm length. Advantages:
MODEL: EN-30P Enta Insect Stick made of heavy gauge sheet steel and fully coated with a high gloss white epoxy polyester powder, giving it a professional and resilient finish. ** For use with disposable sticky pads |
ENTA 4-IN-1 COMPUTERISED RAT REPELLER "New Feature" Computerise programmed sound patterns and constantly alternating variable frequencies provide more effective long term result in rodent control situations. This Rat Repeller continuously emits oscillating Ultrasonic shock wave which aims to directly attack the rodent sensory nerve systems causing discomfort and pain. As a result, rats will avoid these areas. The multiplicative Audible, Flash, Infrasound and irregularly oscillating Ultrasonic shock Waves prevent rodents from becoming resistant to these waves. |
STAINLESS STEEL BIRD SPIKES Made of UV ray stabilized polycarbonate base with 40 stainless steel spikes needle. Birds cannot land without being spiked by the stainless steel needles. |
ENTA ALL-NATURAL PEST REPELLENT This product is safe and easy to use and does not give contact with your skin. The All-Natural Pest Repellent is long lasting and highly effective for 30 days. For prevention of mosquitoes, dust mites, flies, lizards, cockroaches, mites, spiders, ants, silverfish and many other flying or crawling insects. |
CAT SACHET REPELLENT ORGANIC AND BIODEGRADABLE * LAST UP TO 4 WEEKS FOR VEHICLES * FOR INDOORS * SIMPLE SOLUTION Wild cats likes to rest on top of cars to nap or as a stopover as it enjoys the heat emitted when the engine is just turned off. However it often leave remains like cat hair, flea and most importantly, its sharp claws scratches and damage the professional paint finish and polishing which you spend money and effort on. This sachet is formulated with oil extracted from natural products and encapsuled in a time-release agent. It will constantly emits a natural scent that surrounds and protects your car. |
ENTA BEDBUG SACHET Help protect your family by not bringing these pest Home! These irritating Bedbugs reside in carpets, beds, chairs in hotels and buildings and likes to crawl into your luggage and unwittingly bringing the unwanted pest into your house when you return. Bedbugs feast on human blood and its bite can cause redness, swelling and in some extreme cases, can be hospitalised. This bedbug killer/repellent sachet is formulated with oil extracted from natural products and encapsuled in a time-release agent. It will constantly emits a natural scent that surround your belongings giving it protection against these pest.. Protect you and your family by not bringing bedbugs back home along with your belongings. You will not know whether you are staying in a bed-bug infested travel area until it is too late. |
TRADITIONAL WOODEN RAT AND MOUSE GLUE TRAP WORKS BETTER! Rats by nature are attracted to wooded material and the natural plywood scent attract rats to the Glue Traps. The Glue Traps is made of natural wood and coated with special formulated slow drying, high strength adhesive. Its matt black colour and material will not arouse the rats' suspicion unlike other common plastic Glue Traps. Rats that crawl on this Glue Trap are unable to free themselves no matter how they struggle as plywood is heavier and stronger than normal plastics Glue Trap. |
SUPER SNAKE TONGS Made of aluminum/titanium alloy and fully anodized in deep blue colour and finished off with a high gloss lacquer which will not chip, fade or peel-off unlike conventional paint, giving it a professional and resilient finish. 2 Sizes available: 110cm and 132cm |
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Enta Manufacture Industries: Block 3021, Ubi Ave 2, #04-193, Singapore 408897, Tel: 6744-1010 |
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