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Enta Termite Gel is a revolutionary ready-to-use product which has been specifically formulated to combat termite infested buildings by eradicating and controlling its populations effectively. Sustained release, extended action, is used to achieve or prolong the therapeutic effect by continuously releasing the medication over an extended period of time after administration of a single dose. It is formulated with 100% water soluble and non-toxic ingredients making it a safe and environmentally friendly product.
Enta Termite Gel is formulated from a proprietary blend of active ingredient and biodegradable polymers. Enta Termite Gel has sustained release properties and activates upon contact with water, hence offering long term treatment and protection. Enta Termite Gel is suitable for both indoor and outdoor uses in treatment of areas infested with termites, or prone to termite infestations.
Termites breed deep down in voids and cracks within structures of concrete or timber unable to reach by normal application of Termite powder. Dusting of Termite powder is efficient to prevent termite breeding in open area but the efficiency drops significantly when termites burrow in voids and cracks. Enta Termite Gel consists 2 main parts which is the gel and the active ingredient. The gel works as a binder to slow down the release of active ingredient giving it the sustained released ability. The dissolved active ingredient travel in water paths formed by capillary action to effectively penetrate crevices, openings of roof and damaged wood frequent by Termite. As a result, through deeper penetration, the efficiency improves greatly. Enta Termite Gel should be applied over these cracks and voids (easily identified by trails of dirt path). After application, Enta Termite Gel will dry up and harden into a white solid paste covering the openings. When the white solid paste re-contact with water (rain or splashes of water), it dissolves slowly together with the active ingredient and continues the treatment of termites’ infected area. Enta Termite gel can be use in conjunction with Termite Powder to create an impermeable barrier to treat the infested area.
Firstly, it affects the nervous system of termites resulting in sluggish and disoriented behaviour. Since the termites could not carry on normal functions such as feeding and movement, they die in about five to eight days upon contact with the active ingredient. Secondly, through glooming (a unique process where termites cleanse themselves by rubbing their bodies against each other in order to prevent fungi-attack), the active ingredientis transferred from the “treated” ones to others. This process will continue spread and eventually reach to their queen. Only when the queen is eliminated, the entire colony is destroyed.
Enta Termite Gel comes conveniently packaged in user-friendly tubes, and can be used without any hassle. Simply pump the gel to cover cracks and holes and the gel will begin its treatment on the infested area.
Re-application has to be done about 6 months for consistently damp indoor areas and once in 3 to 4 months for wet, outdoor areas. Regular visual inspection is recommended and re-application of the Enta Termite Gel is necessary if the white solid paste is no longer present over the openings. Enta Termite Gel is odourless and suitable for use in any surfaces.
Enta termite gel is suitable for use in the following areas;
- Termite infested wooden structures (Roof beams, columns, purlins & rafters)
- Cracks and crevices in building where termite are active such as kitchens, living rooms, toilets, bedrooms, offices, warehouses, rooftops, cracks in grounds, gardens (Termite infested grounds) etc.
- Treatment of trees infested with termites (Tree survival depends on severity of infestation)
- Soil treatment (Application of gel over normal chemical solution to enhance the treatment effect)
- Prolonged therapeutic effect with a single dose resulting in reducing the frequency of re-application (Sustained release, extended action)
- Double action active ingredient cures, improves efficiency of treatment and control termite population more promptly.
- Ability to reach the Queen resulting in full treatment of the termite infestation.
- Formulated with non-toxic and environmentally friendly ingredient, the gel will transform into a white solid paste substance for easy monitoring.